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When Lance woke up, he was the only one in Hunk's room as he was tangled up in the blankets, his hair sticking up in different directions as a loud groan escaped his lips. His back ached as he attempted to get off the floor but his sprained ankle still hurts like a bitch which forced him back down to the ground, but luckily he didn't have to wear that ugly black brace anymore. It was actually quite embarrassing.

"Pidge? Hunk?" Lance called out, his eyes trying to adjust to the brightness of his best friend's room but he got no response.

Can we just take a minute to appreciate Hunk's room though? It was much like Lance's except the walls were a bright yellow and a creamy white color. There was a whole shelf dedicated to trophies as it was pushed up against the corner of the room along with different ribbons pinned to the wall, most of them coming from science fairs to participation in sports but aside from that, Hunk's room was littered with posters. The posters ranged from bands to different movies, most of them being from Star Wars and Batman.

It was kinda cool because Pidge and Hunk could bond over Star Wars while Lance could bond with him over Batman, it just worked really well for the three of them. Hunk's bed was another thing, he had a freaking king sized bed and a giant ass Star Wars blanket covering most of it. Lance was jealous of his large bed if he was quite honest, since you know, he just has a mattress on the floor. There was just simple things in his room that told you a lot about our favorite friendly giant, whether it'd be from the polaroids on his wall of his friends to the small teddy bear that laid beside his pillows, even to the picture frames of his family and him at cookouts and doing other family things. Hunk was the warmest, safest person you could ever meet but once you piss him off, well he might just have you running out of town.

Enough about Hunk and his room, let's skip to the part to where Lance finally managed to get downstairs. He could hear the two talking in the kitchen, "Morning guys."

"Well, good morning sleeping ugly. It's 4 in the afternoon." Pidge giggled, taking another pizza from the Little Ceasar's box. Lance yawned, "For real?"

"Yeah dude, you missed breakfast." Hunk said, pushing his plate away as he got up from where he was sitting. Lance shrugged, "Sorry, I might've stayed up a bit longer after you two crashed."

"I'm surprised you didn't draw on our faces, you always do that." Hunk said, grabbing three cans of Hawaiian Punch, tossing one to Pidge and to the boy who groggily laid against the counter. Pidge pushed up their glasses, "I didn't know Shiro and Allura were together."

"Yeah, they've been together for like 3 weeks now? I don't know." Lance replied, opening the can as he took a drink. Hunk nudged him, "Damn, Shiro stole your girl, hm?"

"Oh come on, Hunk. That was freshman year. I'm over her." Lance blushed with embarassment as he took a bite of his pizza. Hunk began laughing, "Hey Pidge, did I ever tell you that when Lance had the biggest crush on Allura, he used to leave her secret admirer notes in her locker then-"

"No!" Lance shrieked, putting a hand over Hunk's mouth. Hunk pulled his hands away, "Like he'd bring her a rose everyday and Allura would be like 'what the fuck is this shit' and start crying because it scared her?"

"Jesus christ, you were so desperate." Pidge shook their head as they all began laughing. Lance rolled their eyes, "I know, shut up. That's the past."

"Okay, Lance." Pidge said sarcastically, taking another bite of their pizza afterwards. Lance and Pidge stayed for another hour or so until they decided it was time to head home. Pidge was picked up by their older brother, Lance checking Matt out as he sat in the front seat of his mother's minivan with Pidge's dog in the backseat practically struggling to get out of the car. Hunk hit him upside the head, "No Lance, I'm pretty sure he has a girlfriend already."

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