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( : i fcking love clingy keith and jealous lance ok leave me alone



12:27 A.M.

Lance laid on his mattress, staring at the bare ceiling with a frown. He knew he shouldn't have fallen asleep at Keith's apartment because now he had to deal with another sleepless night and lot's of things had already began eating at him: his broken family, the bet, his insecurities (you name it). It was the stupid fucking dare that made him feel worse out of all of them, he was playing someone's feelings and it was all for what? money? Micheal for sure could've chose anyone to play Keith but nope, he chose Lance instead.

Why? Lance didn't know. He didn't think much of it within the past month he'd been with Keith. How the hell did Micheal even know Keith was not straight in the first place? Surely, the whole "I heard it from other people" wasn't enough of an explanation to please Lance. He thought maybe there was more to this whole thing, maybe a certain reason why all of this was set up. Just then, his phone began to ring which startled Lance from his deep thoughts.


God, that was another thing. Lance had actually began to like Keith, a lot actually and he knew if he continuted this behavior, it definitely was going to screw the both of them over in the end.

"Hello?" Lance forced himself to sound tired as he answered the call. There was a sound of a door shutting before Keith responded in a low voice, "Hi."

"Is there a certain reason why you're calling this late? You should be asleep."

"You're not my mom, Lance. I want to see you."

"Huh? You saw me a few hours ago."

"I know," Keith mumbled, looking down at his worn out vans. Was he starting to become more clingy? Yes. He only began to hope that Lance wouldn't grow too irritated with him. Lance rolled over onto his side, "Fine, I'll come pick you up. Where do you wanna go?"

"To get food."

"Oh my god," Lance laughed softly before he got up from the floor, "Okay, I'll see you in a bit."

Skip ahead to where Lance creeped down the stairs, looking around as his eyes tried their best to adjust to the darkness. The was a noise from the kitchen and unfortunately for him, it was Emily sticking a hot pocket in the microwave. She nearly screamed when she saw her brother emerge from the shadows, "You douchebag, don't scare me like that!"

"You deserve it after cracking my phone." Lance hissed before Emily rolled her eyes, "Where are you heading anyways?"

"Nowhere in particular, I just came to get a bottled water from the fridge."

"Uh huh, and I came down here to stick a hot pocket in the microwave for the hell of it."

"Ok," Lance sighed in defeat as he grabbed his keys from the counter, "I'm sneaking out to er- see my friend."

"You're crazy," Emily scolded, "Do you want to be beaten with a sandal again? What if mama finds out if you're gone? What if something happens to you while you're out? It's midnight, Lance."

"Aww," Lance smirked as he stood upright, looking down at his little sister who was wearing one of his old band tees, "So you do care about me?"

"Shut it." Emily pulled her hot pocket from her microwave last second, "Just tell Keith I said hello."

"Wait- how do you know I was seeing him?"

"I didn't," Emily said as she yawned, "You just confirmed my suspicion though."

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