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warning: flashbacks in this chapter /: so yeah


"I'm so sorry," Micheal squatted down in front of Keith, reaching for his face but the boy flinched away. Micheal frowned, "Keith, baby boy, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean too hurt you."

"Don't fucking touch me, Micheal." Keith snapped, the boy continued to cry into his hands as Micheal began to clean up the mess. Keith had gone over earlier that day, all because Micheal demanded to see him. Keith couldn't say no, he practically begged Shiro to drive the him to his boyfriend's house. Upon entering, he was greeted by Micheal's mother who was cutting up vegetables and adding them into a plastic red bowl. Keith grinned, "Is Micheal here?"

"Of course, honey. He's upstairs, remember to keep the door open."

Micheal's mother was nice, hell, she had done so much for him within the past year of them being together that Keith was considered family in her eyes. He nodded his head and slowly headed up the stairs, not wanting to interrupt Micheal if he was doing something. The bedroom door was cracked open but you could clearly tell that Micheal was on the phone with someone. Micheal rolled his eyes, "Okay, okay. I love you too- of course, I'll see you tomorrow. No, Keith won't know. Yes, I'll talk to you later Samantha."

Keith heard all of it and for damn sure, he was going to confront his boyfriend about it. Keith pushed open the door, "Who the fuck is Samantha?"

"Keith, babe, you're here!" Micheal walked toward him, embracing him into a hug but was shoved off by Keith, "Who the fuck is she, Micheal?"

"She's just a friend, ok? I can't say I love you to my friends?" Micheal asked, "Besides, it's not like you give me what I want anyways."

"I don't give you want you want?" Keith shrieked, "Are you fucking serious right now? This is the third time, Micheal. I've been with you for well over a damn year, do you know what you put me through?"

"Watch your damn mouth," Micheal said through gritted teeth, but Keith shook his head, "I'm fucking done- I can't be with you anymore, I'm just..tired."

Keith began to walk out of Micheal's bedroom, then down the stairs where Micheal's mother was no where to be seen. She had probably left to the store, god the one time where Keith needed her to stick around. Micheal's footsteps were right behind Keith now, and he was beyond nervous as he reached for his phone to call his brother to pick him up. Just then, Keith yelped when he was yanked back by his hair and he dragged upstairs. He dropped his phone, causing the screen to crack as he kicked around and screamed for Micheal to let go of him.

"Are you fucking done?"

Minutes passed and Keith laid beneath Micheal on his bed, crying as his abuser slapped him around and shook him so hard to the point where he thought he was going to vomit. Micheal climbed off of him, swiftly grabbing Keith by his arm before throwing him against the wall where Keith sunk down to the floor, "Stay the fuck away from me-"

"Keith, wake up!" Keith shot up from the floor, sweat dripping from his forehead when he noticed he was in his own bedroom. He wasn't in Micheal's house, his abuser wasn't there to watch Keith hide himself in the corner, he wasn't there to say horrible things to Keith, he wasn't there to lay a finger on Keith. He was safe. Keith looked around frantically, "Where's Lance? I have to make sure he's okay-"

"He's fine, Keith. He explained to me what happened, you ended up passing out in his truck so he carried you in and laid you down." Shiro frowned, pushing his brother's bangs back from his face, "Oh Keith, you're burning up- and you're shaking."

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