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"I'm so sorry, Keith. I have so much left unsaid if you could just hear me out on what I have to say one last time then you don't have to talk to me again. I promise."

"Ha, it's been a few days since we broke up. I miss seeing you around at school. Please just let me know if you're alright, Shiro won't talk to me and neither will Pidge, Allura and the rest of them."

"I'm really sorry for blowing up your phone at least once a day- I really miss you and I could say I'm sorry millions of times but I know that won't make up for the hurt I caused you."

"Hi Keef, my brother said that you've been really sad and busy a lot so that's why you haven't come to see us but it's okay. Anya, Emily, my brothers and I all love you and it'll get better! Lance let me call you! He's a really good big brother like Shiro is to you! Byyee!"

"Hey Keith, it's Pidge. I heard what happened and I'm really sorry man. Matt and I are feel really bad for what happened between you and Lance, he's a big douche for that so is your ex- Micheal? That's his name, right? Er, anyways just say the word and I'll kick his ass. I'm kidding, call me soon."

"Hey darling, shay here. I heard you were in really bad shape- no offence! I hope you're doing better now. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you."

"Come back to school, dude. I miss making you laugh with the whole laughing so hard that milk comes out of our noses. Lance is an ass for what he did but I'm sure he didn't mean to cause you harm. Call me back at least. Hunk out."

"You're not getting back to me- er, I guess I'll just leave you alone for now on until you want to talk things out. If you have questions, I have answers. I'm so sorry, Keith. I-I love you..."

Countless voicemails, all from his friends or Lance. Keith didn't mind though, he missed his friends more than anything but he probably missed Lance a little more. He listened to the voicemails probably almost every night, waking up each day hoping there was a new one from his ex-lover because god, he missed his voice but could never bring himself to call back.

Their mother had left on a two week trip out to Ohio for some convention for work so Keith could easily miss school without getting yelled at by his mother. Shiro was the one to stop by every single one of Keith's classes after school and bring homework for the boy only to turn it the following day. Keith was surprised when Shiro told him that he was ahead of everyone in his classes which he was thankful for, thank god for him being so smart and not needing teacher's help all the time. It was a friday evening, Keith had managed to dodge going to school that entire week like the rest of last week so he was thankful that he could take a break with his homework.

He sat in the living room, watching The Fault in Our Stars because he needed another reason to cry. It was the best way he could cope- watch romance movies and sob like no tomorrow instead of smoking, drinking and fighting like he did to cope with the breakup with Micheal. He sniffled once again, and poor Ruby came running from the bedroom to check on her owner. It was something she had grown used to doing within the past few weeks cause Keith would cry over the way Lance was acting towards him but now that they were done with, he was a wreck so he needed the comfort. She meowed at him, hopping into his lap before licking his salted tears away.

He smiled at her, petting the back of her head before he kissed her fur, "What would I do without you?" He set her down, blowing his nose with a tissue before the front door opened. Allura gleamed when she saw the boy on the couch, "Keith, babe, come here!"

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