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"So wait, you're saying that Lance asked you to be his boyfriend?"

Allura and Keith were currently in the living room of the Shirogane-Kogane apartment as they sat around the coffee table playing monopoly, Shiro had forgotten something in his car so he had to go outside real quick. Keith took that as an opportunity to talk about the situation with someone who didn't seem all that close to Lance, and god knows Shiro couldn't find out about his best friend messing with his little brother- that was just like an unspoken rule in the book of friendship to them.

"Yeah, don't tell anyone about this, not even Shiro. I'm trusting you, Allura." Keith scratched the back of his head awkwardly, looking down at his grey sweats. Allura raised her brow as she sat up from the floor, "Date him. It couldn't be all that bad."

"I barely know the guy!" Keith said. Allura laughed to herself, "Exactly, date him and you'll get to know him more. He's just a hopeless romantic if I'm being quite honest."

"Who's a hopeless romantic?" Shiro asked as he shut the door behind him, both Keith and Allura's eyes widened as they looked to one another. Luckily, Allura was quick enough to make up an excuse, "Um, some kid at our school. His name is like Jimmy or something."

"That kid that has a thing for Lance? They were all over each other at your party." Shiro took his seat back on the ground, grabbing the dice as he shook them up in his hand. Keith suddenly felt jealous all of a sudden, "Oh?" He watched the dice hit the board and continue to roll before they stopped. Shiro moved his piece and continued to blab about baseball to Allura, and Keith just seemed to completely zone out after that. He was too busy thinking about what happened with Lance and his little sisters after they left the diner, it was quite awkward at first when they got into the truck but they managed to strike up a conversation over what they'll be doing the rest of their spring break.

His sisters began teasing them as they sat in the backseat, Ayla grabbing onto Anya's hand saying, "I love you so much, Keith. Will you marry me?" and Anya pulled her hand away, replying with a "Not with that gross hair, I don't see a diamond ring. Try again tomorrow."

It made the two blush and avoid talking the rest of the drive back to Planet Fitness where Lance dropped him off a few blocks away because Keith didn't want Shiro to know they were hanging out, and luckily Lance agreed. Lance did try to make a move though, he attempted to kiss Keith's hand as he got out of the truck but Keith pulled his hand away and shut the door, a blush staining his cheeks as he waved before running off. Lance groaned as his head hit the steering wheel, he was so close and with his siblings laughing at his failed attempt, it sucked even more.

"Keith!" Shiro grabbed his shoulder which made Keith flinch and bring his gaze to his older brother. His brother had a worried expression on his face, "I've been trying to talk to you for two minutes, you good?"

"Oh yeah, totally. I'm actually pretty tired though. Goodnight." Keith rushed, pulling away from Shiro as he got up from the floor. He waved to Allura, "Night Allura, you guys can split my cash." He disappeared into his room after that, Ruby hopping out of their shared hamper as she saw her favorite human enter the room. Keith took a deep breath as he leaned against the door, "Oh hey Ruby, you miss me?"

She meowed before nuzzling Keith's ankle, he picked her up, "You're not going to believe this but I like a guy. He's really cute but kind of a dipshit and he asked me out today."

She blinked before meowing again, her head tilting to the side as her green eyes locked with Keith's grey ones. He felt as if she was staring into his soul, either that or she was going to pounce on his face. It's happened before so it's bound to happen again, "Ruby, don't look at me like that. C'mon, I'll show you how he looks."

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