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im kinda stumped tbh lol so i just settled for this /: rip me.


"Jesus christ, do you ever shut the fuck up?" Keith asked, dropping his fork on his tray as he turned to Lance who was bragging to Hunk about some competition he had won when he was only eight years old. Shiro laughed as he finished off his mashed potatoes, "I'm afraid he doesn't, little bro."

"You know not to call me that around people." Keith said through gritted teeth as he glared at his older brother. Lance stopped talking as he turned his head to his boyfriend, "What? Do you think my mouth can be put to better use?"

"Yeah it can, actually. Maybe if you shut the fuck up and let me finish my lunch in peace-" Keith glared at the male who sat next to him. Lance rolled his eyes before cutting him off, "What are you gonna do about it, dollface?"

Shiro's eyes widened, "Lance, what have I told you about hitting on my brother or any other person that sits at this table?"

"What? Hunk likes when I compliment him! Don't you, gorgeous?" Lance said, turning his head to his best friend as Hunk nearly choked on his bottled water. Allura seemed to be laughing the hardest out of all of them, her friends could be so stupid and they just so happened to fight over such stupid shit. It's surprising. Shiro looked at Allura with concern, "Babe, you good?"

"Oh yeah, I'm great." Allura said, wiping the tears coming from her eyes. Keith shook his head at the female, flipping her off before he turned back to Lance. Lance had a small smile on his lips before he turned back to the group, "So like, what about a sleepover at my house this weekend? My mom won't be home, Rebecca is going to visit her grandchild, and my siblings, well er- except for the twins won't be home."

"What are we? Children?" Shiro remarked before laughing. Keith cut him off, "Considering you're born on a fucking leap year, yes. You're four."

"OH SNAP." Allura and Hunk said at the same time as they bursted into laughter once more. Lance looked at Keith with a pleased smile, "I have to give you props for that one."

They highfived as they began laughing as well, Shiro shook his head as he crossed his arms. Allura leaned on him, "Aw man, Keith. You hurt the four year old's feelings."

"What feelings? He's mean as shit." Keith said, narrowing his eyes. Lance turned to him, "Well fuck, no wonder where you get it from."

"Hey!" Keith said, turning to his boyfriend with a distasteful look on his face. Geez, they were so busy having fun and joking around with one another that they didn't even realize they were the loudest ones in the cafeteria. Pidge sat down at the table, "Hey guys."

"Wait, aren't you a freshman?" Keith asked. Pidge shrugged their shoulders, "This isn't my first time ditching and it definitely won't be my last."

"Oh look, we have a badass over here!" Lance said. Pidge pushed up their glasses once again, "Shut it, ugly."

"Well in that case, you're not invited to my sleepover." Lance crossed his arms as he faced away from the group, he didn't even realize he met eyes with Micheal and Jimmy from across the lunch room. They waved him over before leaving the room and Lance sighed, "Ah fuck, I forgot my book in my locker for my next class."

"Oh, do you want someone to tag along?" Allura asked. Lance shook his head, "No, no. I'll be right back."

Lance excused himself from the lunch table, quickly making his way across the cafeteria as different students said a small "hello" or "what's up, lance?". Geez, the cons of being a semi-popular guy. When the cafeteria doors closed, Lance took off down the hall until he spotted the two at Jimmy's locker. Jimmy turned to Lance, "Hey, you never texted me to- actually nevermind."

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