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annnd for the moment you have all been waiting for (nO THEYRE NOT BREAKING UP Y O U G U YS NEED TO CHI L L)


Lance honestly couldn't bring himself to confront Keith, instead he headed straight home (not even bothering to let his friends know). Lance wasn't upset or anything- the boy just needed time to let the news sink in. Micheal was full of shit, right? He could just be saying things to keep Lance from ending this stupid dare. His mama wouldn't be home for another two hours so luckily for him, he wouldn't get caught for ditching the rest of the school day.

"You're home?" Rebecca was the first to speak when she spotted Lance in the doorway, setting her broom aside. Lance nodded his head, "You can't tell mama, ok? Please."

Rebecca laughed to herself as she made the gesture of her 'zipping' her mouth shut and locking it, something that Lance had always laughed at since he was a little boy. Lance grinned as he set his bag down before making his way over to the fridge, "You always know how to make me smile even on my worst days."

"That's good to know- but why are you home so early?"

"No reason. Fuck school, right?" Lance got a smack on the head for cussing after that. Rebecca sighed to herself, "Lance, I know you like my own son. I practically raised you. What's wrong?"

"Ok- before you yell at me, I just want to say it's Micheal's fault."

This peaked Rebecca's attention because within a matter of seconds, she had Lance sitting right in front of her at the table. Lance sighed, "I have this almost boyfriend, right? Like he is but he isn't and-"

"I already have so many questions," Rebecca facepalmed, "But- carry on. I'll listen."

"Okay- er, well his name is Keith and he's definitely a hottie but our relationship isn't real. I want it to be but I can't-" Lance paused, "Anyways, awhile back I went to a party- one with booze and stuff for Allura's eighteenth birthday party and I met this guy- That guy is Micheal. I was sorta drunk off my ass but not completely hammered so I ended up playing truth or dare with a him and a couple other strangers."

Lance already felt dirty, he literally felt as if he confessed all his sins to his almost mother figure, but she wasn't judging him nonetheless, "What was this dare?"

"--To date Keith. Micheal has been paying me to do it and I called it off today- or at least I tried, because Keith is all that matters to me now." Lance said, slamming his face on the table. He glanced up to Rebecca, "I also found out Keith dated AND cheated on Micheal. He really has it out for Keith because of it- I don't know what to do."

Rebecca sighed to herself, rubbing at her temple. Lance waited for her to yell at him but nothing was said, instead she stood up and walked over to the sink, "You know, I'm not angry or anything- just very disappointed. I understand you have feelings for the boy, but what the hell? Lance, he has emotions as much as you and I do. It was a drunk mistake, I know but you're just digging yourself more of a hole with this."

"What should I do?"

"Lance, as much as you're going to hate it- you need to tell Keith about the dare. You need to tell him before it's too late, and I'm only saying this not to spite you but because I'm looking out for you."

"I know but," Lance looked down at his shoes, "He could hate me for it."

Rebecca sighed, drying her hands with a towel before she walked back over to Lance. She cupped his cheeks, "Hate is a strong word, darling. He'll be very upset with you but he won't hate you. Would you rather deal with that rather than no Keith at all?"

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