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What? Another update?

Hnng enjoy though, there's a slight trigger warning for those not comfortable with arguments and stuff (and keith's small breakdown).


"No, no, no, no, no-" Keith began to panic, he looked out the window but it was too dark to see anything down below. He slammed the window shut before rushing out their front door. Keith raced down the stairs, Thace and Russell couldn't have seen her, have they? It wouldn't hurt to ask. He ran over to the door, knocking quickly before Ulaz opened up, "Hey, Keith. What are you doing here?"

"I'm just wondering if you've seen my cat? She's charcoal colored and has a red collar- all my information is on it and-"

"Whoa kid, calm down. It's just a cat."

"Just a cat?" Keith snapped, "She just so happens to be my everything- so, please if any of you find her, return her home to me." Keith ran off after that, his eyes doing his best to navigate through the darkness. He was dumb enough not to grab his phone, but god did he hope his cat was near. Shiro was confused as to why the front door was wide open, the dude had just barely gotten out of shower and was now in his wonder woman pajama pants along with his simple grey t-shirt.

"Keith?" He called out. No response. He walked over to their room, seeing that Keith left his phone behind and he sighed to himself. He'd have to go after his brother once again, geez you'd have to put a fucking leash on the kid. He grabbed his keys and headed out, "Stupid kid."

"Ruby? Ruby, where are you!?" Keith called out, he hated walking around Albuquerque most nights. Some streets were more dangerous than others and the kid was left practically defenseless as he navigated throughout the streets. He stopped in his tracks when he heard meowing, that's when a cat (which wasn't his) appeared in front of him before running off. Keith was on the verge of tears, he had been taking care of the cat since he was 10 so it hit close to home when she was no where in sight. Albuquerque seemed like a big place when you were on foot, she could be anywhere at this point. Shiro drove around looking for his brother until he spotted him under a street light, "Dude, what the fuck?"

"Shiro, I lost Ruby."

"What do you mean?" Shiro asked, slowing down the car as Keith continued walking down the street, "As in she's gone- vanished. I left the window open by mistake and she must've slipped out."

"Keith, calm down. We'll find her, she can't be that far away. Get in."

"I-I can't, I have to find her, Shiro." Keith was already crying, "I need to find her- she's my baby."

"We'll find her, Keith. Get in before I start breaking traffic laws."

Two hours, two fucking hours of searching for his cat and he had no such luck. It was close to one in the morning when Shiro decided to call it quits, "She'll be back, Keith. She's really smart, I think she'll find her way home."

"What if she doesn't, Shiro? What am I going to do?" Keith was still crying, he just couldn't bring himself to stop. He didn't want to stop looking for her but they were both exhausted after their long day especially Shiro, he didn't play in a baseball game and win without putting all his effort into it. Shiro frowned, "First thing in the morning, we'll get up and search for her. I look kinda stupid walking around in my pajamas.

"O-okay." Keith sniffled, going through his camera roll. Of course, he had tons of pictures of his cat. Most of them were selfies- maybe if he put up missing cat posters then surely someone would come forward with her, right? They got back to the apartment, Shiro helping Keith upstairs and got him back into bed. Shiro thought it was sad how the smallest things set Keith off, his brother had always been quite sensitive but he couldn't blame him considering: Keith loved that cat probably more than life itself. Hell, Shiro was just upset as Keith was but he was better at handling his emotions.

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