Chapter 1

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"Excuse you." I said as some rude ass woman bumped past me and kept walking.

This is why I hated coming into this crowded ass mall, the people were always so rude and ghetto.

"Yo, chill Rose. You always starting some shit." My best friend Marci rolled her eyes at me.

I continued into the store and began looking for an outfit for my date tonight.

"I wasn't trying to start anything. The bitch bumped into me and acted as though she didn't have any manners, like she couldn't say excuse me."

Becoming irritated with the situation, I decided to let it go and continued looking through these shirts. I found a black top that I liked so I decided on getting it so we could get out of this mall.

After I paid for the shirt, we left the mall and I dropped Marci at home.

"Bye girl, call me after you get dicked down!" Marci yelled to me as she walked up to her door.

I rolled my eyes at the thought because she knew I wasn't bussing anything open on the first date.

Continuing home, I thought about how this date could go tonight.

Tommy was a guy I met at work, he was always coming into the bank and lowkey flirting with me. He asked to take me out and I turned him down the first couple of times, but he seemed nice enough so yesterday I finally said yes.

Heading into my home, I laid out my clothes before getting in the shower. As soon as I stepped out of the shower my iPhone 6s dinged with a text message. I dried off and began to lotion my body, after doing so I picked up my phone to see a message from Tommy.

Tommy: See you soon beautiful, I'm on my way to the restaurant. 7:10 P.M.

I texted him back to tell him I would be a few minutes late.

I didn't want Tommy to pick me up tonight because for one this date could be a complete disaster and I wanted to be able to haul ass out of there if need be. Secondly, I didn't want this man to know where I live right away because again, this date could be a complete disaster.

After dressing, I looked in the mirror and I must say I look good! (in the MM) I dropped my phone in my clutch and heading out to my Range Rover.

During the drive to the restaurant, I hoped and prayed that this date would be good and we could have more because I'm tired of being single. I can deal with it and I'm not thirsty but it's been 3 years since my last relationship. I'm 23 years old and I'm not getting any younger.

I headed into the restaurant where I spotted Tommy, and may I add he is looking good.


I went over to the table he was sitting at and he stood up to hug me. "Rosanna, how you doing? You look amazing"

I smiled and sat down as he pulled out my chair for me.

"I'm good, and thank you. You look good too."

He smiled at me and gosh, he smile almost made me melt! The waitress came over and he ordered a tea, I order a pink lemonade, After the waitress walked away, I decided to start conversation.

"So tell me about yourself, what do you do?" I began to look over my menu deciding on what I want as I listened to him talk.

"I work in construction. I'm currently the head overseer of the construction jobs. I manage all the construction projects and whatnot."

The waitress came and sat our drinks down. "Are you guys ready to order?"

I told her we were, I was about to start placing my order when Tommy cut me off and started ordering for the both of us.

"I'll have the steak and potato meal, cook the steak well done and nothing on the potatoes. Um, for the extra side I want a side of broccoli. The woman here will have the grilled chicken meal with-"

He had me fucked up, I cut him off and began to place my own order. After the waitress walked off, I looked at Tommy like he was crazy.

"Um, I don't know what you think you were doing but I can order for myself. You don't even know what food I like and don't like. And it was really rude of you to cut me off when I was about to order." I rolled my eyes.

" Well, I just feel as though the man should take charge. However, you're right and I shouldn't have cut you off but anyway like I was saying before. I oversee all of the construction company's projects and we have a really big one coming up."

I placed my hand on my cheek, just looking at him. Is he serious right now?

"Controlling all of these project take a lot of my time and it's stressful but I make a great salary and I have amazing benefits so I can't complain too much." He shrugged and took a sip of his tea.

I sat there waiting for him to ask about me but he kept going on and on about him self. I was getting really annoyed at this point.

"My favorite color is pink." He looked at me weird and said "I didn't ask."

That was it for me. He had me screwed up if he thought we were going to sit here and talk about him all night.

Just as I was about to go off, the waitress came bringing our food. "Thank you, but I won't be eating this tonight."

Tommy said "what?"

"I don't know if you realized but you literally only talked about you, not once did you ask anything about me. I hope you didn't think we were going to talk about you all night. Thanks but I can't do this. Lose my number."

I got up and handed the waitress a $50, telling her to keep the change.

Getting into my car, I sighed realizing this was just a waste of time.

This is my first story so bare with me guys, and tell a friend to tell a friend to read my story!

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