I sighed as I sat in my office, drawing hearts on a sticky pad. Today was a slow day, I guess there wasn't many people that wanted to start an account. I work at the bank in the city as an Account Specialist. Basically, when people want to open a bank account they come to me.
It's been 3 days since I saw Julian. I thought he was real bold for straight up asking for my number like that but I didn't know that man from a can of paint! I wasn't about to just give him my number, he could've been a serial killer for crying out loud. He could've been an alcoholic for all I know, I mean he was buying liquor.
But then again he was so good looking, with that beard and all those tattoos. Those are major turn-ons for me, a beard and tattoos.
My thoughts were interrupted by one of my co-workers knocking on the office door.
"There's a lady named Mrs. Forbes out here and she wants to open an account."
I got up from my chair and headed into the lobby. "Hello, Mrs. Forbes. My name is Rosanna Jacobs and I'll be assisting you in starting your account today."
She stood up and shook my hand. "Hello."
"If you follow me into my office, we can get you all set up."
After opening an account for Mrs. Forbes, I looked at my watch seeing it was time for my lunch break. I grabbed my purse and headed out the door.
Marci is supposed to be meeting me at the little bistro around the corner.
Once I arrived I knew she was already here because I saw her car.
Walking in, I scanned the restaurant for her but instead my eyes landed on Julian.... and a baby.
"Rosanna!" Marci's loud ass mouth had to yell, damn near everyone in the restaurant looked at me including Julian. He smiled at me, and I smiled back.
I would have to walk past his table and I knew he would stop me to talk. I sighed and headed in that direction. He stood up as I got closer. "Rosanna, hey."
"Hey Julian."
"How you doing?"
"I'm doing good, just trying to get some food on my lunch break." I half shrugged.
I could see Marci looking at us from the corner of my eye. I knew she was wondering who this man was.
The little girl started babbling and beating on the table. I looked down at her, she was so adorable. I could tell it was his daughter because they were literally twins.
"And who is this little cutie?"
He picked her up.
"This is my daughter, Skai. Say hey mama's." She started chewing on her fingers, I smiled at her.
"Well my friend is over there waiting on me and I'm really hungry."
"Well, uh what about your number? You think I can have it this time?"
I smiled at him because he seemed nervous and it was cute. "Sure, give me your phone."
Using his free hand, he pulled his phone out of his pocket.
I typed my number in and saved it under 'Rose'.
"I have to go now, see you around. Bye cutie." I smiled at the baby as I handed Julian back his phone.
I continued to the table Marci was at.
"Bitch you were taking so long, I had to order for you. What the hell you doing picking up somebody baby daddy?"
"It's a long story, I met him the other night when I was getting wine and he asked for my number but I turned him down."
"Girl, why? That man is fine but then again that man also has a baby."
The waitress came and sat our food down.
"Yas, you know me so well. This burger about to save my life! But nah, I didn't know he had a baby until now. Plus, I met the man in a liquor store! He could've been an alcoholic or something for all I know." I told her while putting fries in my mouth.
"Well now you know he's not an alcoholic, he a baby daddy. Which means there's a baby mama sitting not too far from here."
"You never know though, they may not be together." I shrugged.
"You're right but those be the worst cases. Crazy bitches want to get buck and bold on any female that comes near their baby daddy. The nigga don't even be wanting them but they always coming around stalking the new chick."
I nodded my head because Marci was right and I didn't have time to deal with any crazy bitches.
Kairi Chanel and Dave really give me life. They're adorable. But like and comment!!! Tell me how you like the story so far. Tell a friend to tell a friend to read my story please!!

Work It Out (Dave East)
FanficThis is a good story but the description sounded crappy as I was writing it, so forget the description and read the story.