I took a seat on Wayno's couch, getting comfortable.
It's been a minute since I sat down and chilled with my niggas so we were currently at Wayno's crib chilling.
I watched as Freaky started to roll a blunt.
"What's up with you nigga?"
I shook my head. "Mannn."
"What's up with that chick you was telling us about before?"
"Welp. That's my girl now."
"What?! You went out here and cuffed bro? Forreal?" Wayno exclaimed.
I nodded. "Yeah dawg."
"What made you do that?"
"She just.. I don't know. She different, forreal. Like she got goals and shit, not to mention Skai loves her. And she look good, her ass out of this world. Oh! I took her to meet moms."
"Word? How that go?" Malik asked.
I shook my head. "Moms was lowkey shady and a tad disrespectful but I ain't let her get too out of line. In the end though, it's all good."
"You hit?"
I nodded, smirking.
"Forreal? Was it good?"
I looked over at Freaky as he lit the blunt.
"Shit. Some of the best pussy I ever been in yo, forreal. I been nutting in there crazy all weekend."
Freaky started coughing.
"You ain't strap up bro? Is you crazy?!" Wayno said as Freaky passed him the blunt.
"Didn't you say she can't get pregnant?" Freaky asked.
"Yeah, so I ain't really worried." I half shrugged.
"Nigga you stupid." Wayno said to me seriously before passing me the blunt.
Smoking isn't something I do often, I barely do it at all. Sometimes I just like to participate in the rotation here and there.
"Just cause some doctors said she can't get pregnant don't mean shit. At the end of the day anything can happen. Now when she pops up pregnant, you gonna be looking stupid."
I shook my head. "I be so caught in the moment, the pussy too good to be strapping up."
I took a pull from the blunt before passing it back to Malik.
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