I Have What?

21 1 0

Year X792

Klara's View

It has been too long since I last saw Sting. I promised him that we will meet again, but now, I don't think I can. I sigh as I look out the window, seeing how sunny it is. Rosie comes up to me and hugs me real tight. Ever since I came home, I've been depressed and lonely. By lonely, I mean I don't have any human contact. Rosie is the only friend I have. But now, all I do is cry and wonder when will my life get better. 

"Rosie, I don't think I can keep my promise anymore," I say after a long hug.

"Why?" she asks with concern.

"I haven't been outside for a really long time. I'm too scared to go out now because of what happened at Sabertooth."

"I know, but your scars have healed."

"Except for one."

I lift up my glove from my left hand and there shows the embedded scar of the Sabertooth guild mark.

"Oh no, I thought that one went away."

"It didn't. I let the blood seep out too long."


"I know, it was my fault. But I have a reminder for the worst decision I've ever made."

I look down to see Rosie in tears. I hug her real tight, telling her it's okay. Suddenly, a bright light appeared in my room and there shows a person that I knew immediately. 

"Mavis, what are you doing here?" I ask in amazement.

"Klara, don't feel bad for what you have done. You have a purpose in this world, a huge purpose in this case."

"What are you talking about?"

"Klara, you have a lacrima in your body that holds angel dragon slayer magic. Dragons gave you this power in order to defeat Achnologia and Zeref. You do have a purpose. It's your density." 

"Wait, I have a lacrima inside of me? How come I never knew about this??"

"It's because it had to grow, in order for it to activate its power. You know why Zeref made you 4 years ahead?"

"I don't, tell me."

"The angel dragon, Angelica, controlled Zeref to make you 4 years ahead so the lacrima can grow faster."

"Oh, that makes sense."

"You see, Klara, you have a purpose in this world. Don't mope around, you have a density to fulfill."

"Thanks Mavis, that made me feel better."

"You're welcome, Klara. Remember, you always have a place in Fairy Tail."

"Even after joining Saber-"

"Yes, even after that."

I start to smile and "hug" Mavis. She flies out of my room as I start to smile real big. I now have a purpose in this world. I promise myself to train hard, so I can fulfill my density and be known. They will see me as the Legendary Dragon Slayer.

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