Mission: Find Wylen

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Klara's View

As I assist Jenny with some research on my brother, I feel something going on in my brain. I try to see if it's a message from Rosie or from someone in Fairy Tail. Turns out, I'm wrong...it's someone different...but who? I let my brain take the message (Remember, Klara can read minds and receive messages from anyone...Nagremis taught her that). Weird...it's a guy...wait a minute, he said "Sister." It's Wylen! He must have gotten my thought that I sent him earlier today! Wait, if he received my thought and sent me one, then he has this kind of power too. Is it because we have the element of thunder? Whatever it is, I'm glad he's talking to me. As soon as he finished, he told me some coordinates. Hmmm, maybe they tell where he is? Hopefully.

"Guys!" I cry out, "I have good news!"

"What is it?" Jenny asks.

"Turns out, Wylen can has telepathy magic like I do. He sent me coordinates that probably locate where he is."

"That's great Klara! Tell us the coordinates and Hibiki can locate him in no time."

I tell Jenny and Hibiki the coordinates and he instantly starts locating him. In a matter of two minutes, he found the exact location.

"I found the coordinates! Good news, is that there's a blob that tells me he's still there! Bad news, is...he's in a middle of a desert located barely off the border of Fiore in the west," Hibiki says proudly.

"Well, it will be a long journey, but I think we can do it! Who's with me?" I say confidently.

"We are!" they all shout.

I start to smile real big as they begin to pack for the mission. I call for Rosie that already has my backpack filled up to the brim. I begin to laugh.

"Rosie, I don't need that much."

"Yeah, you do. We'll be heading to the desert, so you need a lot of supplies."

"Good point."

As soon as everyone is ready, I nod to Rosie. She begins to clone herself and gets ready to fly into the air. Once everyone is comfortable, I let Rosie count off and we are up in the air, flying to the desert where my brother is waiting for our arrival.

Wylen's View

I sent the coordinates, praying Klara got them and is coming this way. I'm still scared though...I haven't seen Jenny since we were twelve and my own sister since she was a baby. I probably won't even recognize them. Maybe Jenny, but not Klara. I look around me, trying to figure out why I'm here and then, the memories come back. 

I was trying to find the place where the mission requested Blue Pegasus, but instead, I found Zeref. He thought I had a lacrima, which I don't. The last thing I remember is Zeref casting me a spell that closed my eyes for a very long time. Why was I dropped off at a desert? A place for me to die? No way, I want to stay alive until I see my sister and Jenny, keeping her promise that she promised long ago. 

I sit back down, breathing in the hot, dry air, begging for water. I hope Klara comes. I promised my parents that I will take care of her, as soon as I find her. That's why I went on that mission, to see if Klara was there.

I walked up to the Request Board, looking for missions that sparked my interest. I skimmed over one, but I looked at it again. Huh, this one seems good. It reads:

"Help: Wizard with Thunder Magic. Lost our own source from monsters. Please save our village! Reward: $200,000 Jewels"

Wow, they lost someone that holds thunder magic? Maybe this is where Klara is! If she's there, I can try to take her home and finally complete the promise that my parents made me promise before Acnologia killed them.

Ow, too many flashbacks. I didn't want to see the memory of my parent's death. Acnologia killed them because they gave birth to a Thunder Dragon Slayer. Why? Why did he want them dead? They just wanted a duaghter! But now...Klara doesn't even know her real parents. I begin to sigh, staring up at the sun, letting my eyes close for an afternoon nap. 

"Klara, please come," I cry out in pain.

Klara's View

"Alright, we are almost there," I shout through the air.

They all shout "Hooray!" I begin to smile, trying to keep my excitement down. Yes, I'm looking for a brother I never knew, but this is a good thing. If I can bring him back home, then I can know everything about my, I mean our  family. 

"Look! Over there!" Rosie cries out.

I look down and see a dark blob, realizing it's a person. I gasp in shock. We found him! My brother is okay!

"Alright Rosie, get ready to land...safely."

"You got it!"

As Rosie and her clones start to slow down, they begin to float down slowly, trying to land us in a nice, soft spot in the desert. I can still see my brother in the distance.

"He's straight ahead, let's go!" I cry out.

"Yeah!" they all shout in joy.

We begin to walk toward my brother. As soon as we got close enough, I start to shout his name.

"Wylen! Wylen! It's me, Klara! I'm here to save you from this desert!"

I didn't see any movement. I start to run, praying that he isn't dead. By the time I got there, I see his eyes closed. Maybe he's sleeping. I check to see if there's a heartbeat...it's barely there. 

"Rosie, come quick! He's dying from dehyration!" I cry out with tears streaming down my face.

Rosie flies in my direction, holding a huge canteen of water. She holds it above his face and starts to pour some down on his face. I hear him coughing. I look down at his face, seeing his eyes open up, looking at me.

"Wylen," I say through tears, "It's me, your sister."

He sits up immediately, hugging me real tight, not wanting to let go.

"Klara, it's so good to see you," he finally says after breaking down into tears. 

Blue Pegasus starts to arrive. He looks up and immediately finds Jenny.

"Jenny, you've changed."

"So have you, Wylen," Jenny replies with tears in her eyes.

Jenny runs down to Wylen, hugging him tight, a reunion I'll never forget.

When they finally let go, I give him the canteen of water from Rosie and he gulps it down in a matter of seconds. 

"Wylen, let's take you home," I say as the tears finally dry up.

"Okay," he replies back.

I pick him up, letting a Rosie clone take him away. When everyone's ready to go, we fly back to the Blue Pegasus guild. For me and Wylen, home, for now.

A/N Wow, I wrote over 1,000 words! That's crazy! This is probably one of my favorite chapters I wrote so far and I really hoped you all enjoyed it. Love you guys and cherish your siblings like Klara and Wlyen do!

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