Good Old Negramis

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It's been a while, but good to be back!
Wylen's View
Negramis flies towards us and looks straight at Klara.
"My sweet little angel, you have grown up so much."
Klara begins to cry as she runs to give him a hug.
"What are you doing here?" Klara asks in curiosity.
"I came to say hello and give you some updates for you now that you are getting older," Negramis replies.
Klara nods and lets Negramis continue.
"You see, Sting is a very powerful boy and has been very good to you, so I-"
"You know my name?!" Sting cries out.
I punch him in the ribs so he can shut up.
"Ow, that hurts. Please continue."
"Thank you Sting. I do know your dragon so of course I know your name. Anyway, I noticed that you have been in Klara's life for a while now and I realized that if you're going to continue to be in her life, then you must know what it's like to be a legendary dragon slayer."
"Are you saying I'm going to be like Klara?" Sting asks in excitement.
"Sort of, except you won't be a true legendary dragon slayer. Think of this as a promotion."
"If I leave her and not be in her life?"
"Then you'll suffer the consequences which you do not want to know."
Negramis gives Sting a mean glare that makes him back away to Klara.
"I have to go Klara," Negramis says, "but promise me Sting will be good to you, I really do like this kid, okay?"
Klara sniffles, "I promise, father."
Klara hugs him once more, and Negramis flies away and towards the skies that will lead him to where the other dragons are. Klara hugs me tightly and I hug her back.
"Are you ready to go back to Blue Pegasus?" She asks after clearing up her face.
"Yes," I reply back, "let's go."
We all head over to the guild and see Jenny heading inside.
"Jenny! I'm coming back!" I cry out.
Jenny turns around and runs towards me.
"For real? That's amazing Wylen! How long will it be before going back on missions?"
"A while, but I'm glad to be returning."
Jenny hugs me once more and leads me to the doors. I turn back and see Klara waving me goodbye, wishing me luck. I wave back and give her a huge smile as the door close behind me.
Klara's View
As soon as Wylen went inside, I turn towards Sting with a huge smile.
"So, how do you like Negramis's talk?"
"It was interesting, but very scary," he replies with a chill.
"What do you mean by scary?"
"He gave me a mean glare and threatened me."
"Don't worry about that, he's an overprotective father after all."
"Very true."
We head back to my house to talk and have more sex (I swear, that's what boys want all the time). When he fell asleep, I thought about what Negramis said. Why does Sting need to be a legendary dragon slayer too? If it's to protect me, then I'm fine with that. Fathers want to make sure that their daughters are okay, not hurt or anything. I look over at Sting and smile, thankful that I found him and let this relationship blossom from a friendship to this. I'll never let him go, no matter what.
Hey guys! I finally had the time to update, so enjoy! Also, I will be writing an original story soon, so keep your eyes open for that. Love y'all!

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