OMG It's happening!!

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4 Months Later
As I walk into Fairy Tail, I notice Sting laughing along with Natsu. I give him a big smile as he runs over to me, hugging me real tight.
"Good morning, sweetheart. How was your little sleep in?"
"It was great," I reply "Wylen sent me a letter."
"Oh really? What did he say?"
"He said that Blue Pegasus greeted him like he never left and Jenny started to grow feelings for him again. He is now starting his first mission back with Jenny this time to make sure nothing bad happened again. He misses me and he hopes to visit after his mission."
Sting gives me a huge smile "That's great to hear. Tell him I said hi, but I gotta go on a quick mission with Natsu, love you." He gives me a quick peck and runs towards Natsu, waving me goodbye. I wave back, laughing in return. I walk towards Lucy, who is sitting at the bar talking to Mira and Levy.
"Hey guys, what's up?" I ask once I sat down.
"Hey Klara, I haven't seen you in a while. Life has been good, what about you?" Lucy replies back with a small smile.
"I'm doing great. I'm surprised you and Natsu haven't been engaged."
"Well, you see, he hasn't had time to find me a ring but he promised me that whenever he has the time, he'll get me one and propose to me."
"That's so exciting! It's about time you two get married."
"Oh stop it Klara."
Levy perks up in her chair and asks "What about you and Sting? You two have been together for a while I'm surprised he hasn't asked either."
I blush, trying not to freak out "You see, we never talked about getting engaged yet but I don't know, I have been thinking about it."
"Ooooh someone might be getting engaged really soon." Mira pops in, winking in my direction.
"Uhh guys, I-I feel pressured."
They all laugh "We're just teasing, chill out."
I sigh in relief. After catching up with them, I realize it's almost sunset and Sting isn't back. Right on cue, here comes Sting and Natsu walking big and proud with reward money in between their arms. They set the money down and head right towards Lucy and I.
"Lucy! Klara! Come quick, we have something to show you."
Lucy and I look at each other nervously, but follow them to the doors. We were walking for a while until we got to a forest, the same one I went to when I would train and get some peace when I was younger. Sting grabs my hand and leads me to the river, the same river where we had our first date. Natsu cones behind us with Lucy on his back.
"Okay, what's going on you two?" I ask.
"Yeah, seriously," Lucy agrees with me.
Natsu and Sting give each other a glance and smile. Natsu lifts Lucy up in the air and takes her away from me. I guess those two will have a private moment. I look up at Sting.
"Is everything okay?" I ask after an awkward moment of silence.
Sting takes my hand and looks right at me.
"Klara, we have known each other since we were young. I knew that this was your place even before we starred dating. The way you described it to me when we were at Sabertooth sounded amazing. I took you here as our first official date and now you will remember it as the day you will become something more."
Oh my god, no way. He's actually doing it.
"What your dad said to me was special and I'm glad he likes me. I feel like I have permission to do this now that I can be sort of like you...power wise."
I giggle, knowing what's going to happen. Sting goes down on one knee and pulls out a case. He opens it up and there sits the most beautiful ring I have ever seen in my life.
"Klara Sitori, will you marry me and make me the happiest dragon slayer alive?"
I feel tears coming down my face as I try to find words.
"Yes! Yes, of course Sting! I would love to marry you!"
Sting smiles, stands up and puts the ring onto my shaking hand. I can feel his hand shaking too. I look at the ring closely. It has a nice, big, oval-shaped diamond in the middle with two little amethysts sitting beside it all wrapped around a gold band. I stare for a little bit longer before wrapping my arms around Sting's neck and kissing him passionately.
Once we stopped, he looks down at me and smiles. He lifts me up bridal style and says "I love you so much, Klara. I can't wait for you to be my wife."
I smile back "I love you too, Sting. I'm so unbelievably happy right now and I know you'll make the best husband ever." We kiss one more time before hearing Lucy laughing.
Natsu and Lucy come back with big smiles on their faces. "Guess what happened?" Lucy squeals "Nastu proposed to me!" She shows me the ring.
"Wow, that's so beautiful and congratulations to you two!" I show off my engagement ring to Lucy.
"No way. Oh my god we got engaged on the same day! This is so exciting!"
We both squeal. "And it's about to get even better." I smile back.
How did you like that surprise? I'm so sorry about the long wait, but I was trying to get my original story going. Please read it, I'm sure you won't regret it. Love y'all!

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