Brother vs. Boyfriend

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Yeah, I know it's a bit weird, but I wanted to add some fun in it. Enjoy!

I wake up, finding myself on the couch next to Wylen. He's still asleep, how adorable. I got up and head toward the kitchen, finding food to make for breakfast. As I was cooking, I hear footsteps coming closer to me.

"Good morning sis. What are you making?"

"Oh, nice to see you're awake. I'm making some shrimp with eggs. It looks like curry, but it isn't."

"Interesting, I'll leave you be."

He hugs me tight, leaving the kitchen so he can find a place to sit. As soon as it's done, I begin to clean off the dishes from last night. Wylen helps me out, bringing his plate over to the table.

"Yum, delicious as usual," he says in awe.

"I'm glad you liked it."

"Klara, I have a question."

"Yes, brother?"

"Um, I was thinking...should I head back to Blue Pegasus?"

I stand there and freeze. He wants to go back now? Well, it's not a yes or no question, so that makes it a bit easier to answer. 

" you think you're ready to return after what happened and-"

"Yes. I won't do any jobs, I'll just train and see if I can get some strength back."

"Oh, okay. Then yes, you should."

"Thanks Klara, for everything."

"Anything for you, Wylen."

I see him tear up, letting me wipe off the tears and hug him real close. All of a sudden, I hear the door open and I nearly jump out of my skin.

"Klara-chan! Sting has returned!" Sting shouts as he enters in. 

Oh no, if he sees us like this, he'll think I was cheating on him. I let go of Wylen and give him a worried look.

"What's wrong? Who's Sting?" Wylen asks with concern.

"He's my boyfriend, but you need to go before he sees us and-"

"Klara?! Who is this?" Sting cries out in anger.

"Sting-kun, this is my brother, Wylen Sitori. I actually helped Blue Pegasus since they told me I had a brother and I went with them and obviously we found him and I took him home so I can take care of him and...I didn't know you were coming back."

"First of all, nice to meet you Wylen. Second, no need to explain I understand completely. Lastly, I wanted to surprise you again can I not?" 

O-of course you can!" I reply with a nervous tone. "I just didn't realize you would come back so soon-"

"Klara," Wylen says as he interrupts me, "you had a boyfriend without me knowing?! Oh, you are in trouble. I must fight him at once."

"Wylen, there's no need in-"

"Hush my darling, I believe the protective side has come out. I shall fight him at once," Sting says confidently.

"Great! I'll meet you outside near Fairy Tail."

"Sure thing!"

"Wait, I-" I try to say, but they already left. I sigh, realizing that this is stupid and they need to grow up. Well, Wylen needs to but it doesn't matter. I wake up Rosie and bring her outside so we can see the fight.

Wylen's View

As soon as I arrive, I see Sting catching up.

"Alright, you ready?" I ask.

"You betcha!" he replies back.

We get into our fighting stance and begin. I make the first move, trying to make Sting unbalance.

"Thunder God, Earthquake Crack!"

The ground begins to shake, rumbling with thunder as the ground cracks beneath him. Sting loses balance, but jumps up, avoiding the deep abyss I created.

"I didn't know you were a God Slayer! This will be fun," Sting says with a mocking laugh.

"Dragon Secret Art, May the darkness from the thunder come up to me and take shape with the light. I bring you...Dark of Light Magic!"

What the hell? How can he absorb my thunder? Only Klara can do that! Did she teach him something that I never knew about?!

"Dark of Light Thunder Dragon, Shooting Rumbles from Hell!"

The white and the dark combine into one, shooting bits of power towards me. I get hit and hit once more. There's no way I can dodge this, but how is he doing this? Eventually, the big blast comes and hits me off guard. I hit hard onto the ground, feeling weak from the blast that just hit me. Sting comes up to me and reaches for my hand. 

"I have a Lightning God Slayer at my guild, but don't ask how I did that, because I don'y know how."

He lifts me up, gives me a big smile and brings me into a hug. I'm in shock. I never got beaten before, but this is a good kind of defeat. As we let go, I see Klara running towards us.

"Don't worry!" she cries out. "I saw the whole fight. Sting, how did you do that?"

"I don't know, but it was a hell of a blast."

We all begin to laugh and I look up to see something floating in the air. Wait a minute...that's not a dark cloud, it's a dragon! It's not just any dragon, that's Klara's dragon! I nudge Klara to look up and I see her eyes go big. She begins to tear up and shouts his name.


A/N There you go! Sorry for the cliffhanger, but how did you think of Sting's move? Was it because of Negramis or something else? I'll let you know in the next chapter! Also, thank you for the 100 reads! I'm so glad this many people read my story. I would've never thought it would get that many! Thanks for everything and love you all!

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