The Origin of My Brother

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Klara's View

When I see the Blue Pegasus guild, I was in awe. I mean, I passed it a few times, but I never had the chance to actually stop and look at it. I follow Jenny inside and find their master, Bob, drinking some champagne.

"Ah! Ms. Klara! So good to see you today!" Bob cries out as he runs towards me. 

I embrace him into a hug and start up a conversation. Jenny coughs, interrupting our conversation. 

"Sorry Jenny," I say apologetically, "Your master is really nice and I always loved to have a talk with him."

"Well, that's a good thing, but now is not the time...we need to talk about your brother."

"Oh yeah...where do we start?"

"Well, it all started when he first came here...."

Flashback-Jenny's View

I walked into the guild one day and find Bob talking to someone I've never knew. 

"Ah, Jenny! Good thing you're here. This is Wylen Sitori. He is the newest member of our guild and I thought you give him a tour around the guild."

"Sure Bob, I would love to."

He seemed kind of cute. Dark auburn hair, stunning green eyes, and a calm expression on his face that gave me chills. I introduced myself, as he did the same...only adding his magic profession.

"Wait, you're a God Slayer?!" I cried out in shock.

"Yeah, is that bad?" He asked with concern. 

I started to see a little bit of blush in cheeks, which made me do the same.

"No, it's not...let me show you around."

Wylen is a very generous guy, definitely not one of Ichiya's favorites, but Bob's for sure. I started to like him more and more as the days go on. We finally go on a mission together and there I see his strength. He was pretty strong...and muscular too. After that mission, we've gotten closer. So close, we began to date. Everyone in the guild complimented us, calling us the "cutest couple" in the guild. I have to say, he was probably one of the best guys I've ever dated. Then, one day, he told me something that I would never forget.

"Hey, Jenny?"


"Do you know any other Sitoris around?"

"No, why?"

"Well...I have a little sister named Klara and she's a thunder dragon slayer. I know you've been on more missions than I have and I didn't know if you saw her or not."

"No, I'm sorry...does she look like you?"

"Sorta...we have the same hair, but she has hazel eyes instead."

"Wow, I bet she's really pretty."

"She a baby...until she had to go train with her dragon."

"I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, just promise me something."

"And that is?"

"Promise me that whenever you see or find her, protect her at all costs and tell her about me, please. She needs to know who I am."

"I promise."

Ever since that day I kept his promise, trying to find Klara, but failed. The next month, Wylen went out on a mission, on his own for the first time in a long time. I tell him to be careful and he said he will...except he never came back, and I still miss him to this day.

Klara's View

"Wow, that's pretty deep," I say after taking it all in.

"Yeah, I keep trying to find him, but never did."

"Yeah we did, you just don't want to tell her!" shouts Hibiki.

"Shut up Hibiki! Yesterday I went to look for Wylen one more time...and I did. Turns out during his mission that he took, Zeref caught him and thought he was the one with the angel lacrima. Instead of returning him, he used him as his little "pet" I guess you can say. Anyway, until you defeated Zeref, he turned your brother back to normal except..."

"Except, what?" I ask in curiosity. 

"We found his body, but we don't know if he's dead or not."

"Oh...well, at least you found him, right?"

"Yeah, we did."

"So, let's go find him!" I cry out.

"Klara, we don't know where he is. He could be outside of Fiore."

"So? I still want to find him. He's the only thing I have left that I can call family."

They all look at me with concern and disappointment.

"If we can look and try to find him together, we can retrieve him in no time."

"She has a point," Ren adds.

"I agree with her," Hibiki says.

"Let's do it men!" Ichiya cries out.

Everyone starts to join in as I burst into tears. I actually have someone that's closely related to me! If we all work together, I can find Wylen and take him into my home, protecting like he wanted to do to me.

"Don't worry, brother," I think to myself, "Jenny is keeping your promise you made long ago. She will protect me when we come and find you, I promise."

We all start to work, hoping to find his location before he's gone forever.

Wylen's View

I finally have the strength to open up my eyes. I look around and see I'm surrounded by sand...desert land. When I have the strength to sit up, I try to move, but my feet are stuck underneath the sand. Suddenly, I hear a thought going through my head. I hear the voice, realizing it's a female voice. Jenny? No, not her. Wait, Klara? It's her voice! It's like she's talking to me. I need to send her my coordinates so she can find me, before I dry up into a crisp.

"Don't worry, sister...I'm still here...waiting for you to come rescue me."

A/N That was fun to write! There might be more of Wylen's views in the near future. Hoped you guys enjoyed it! Love you all!

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