Acnologia Has Arrived

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A/N This part of the chapter takes place in Klara's mind.

I look up to see what's around me and my eyes go huge. I'm surrounded by dragons!

"Where am I?" I ask with pain.

"Hello, Klara Sitori. We have been expecting you," a red dragon says.

"You are in the Land of Dragons, or aka, your mind," the white dragon says sweetly.

"How do you know who I am? Am I dead?" I ask with a confused expression.

"You're not dead, Klara. You are unconscious. I'm Igneel, King of Fire Dragons," replies Igneel.

"Nice to meet you Igneel. Your son, Nastu, is getting stonger by the minute."

"That's nice to hear. The reason why you're unconscious is because...Acnologia has arrived."

"What?! How am I not dead?"

"You can't die because you haven't finished your density as a Legendary Dragon Slayer."

"I need to stop him!"

"Klara, you can't right now," a familiar voice says.

"Negramis! What do you mean I can't?" I reply with a stern look.

"Because...Acnologia hit you so hard in the back that...he almost broke your lacrima."

"What?! He wants it too?"

"I guess so."

"How can I get it to work again?"

"Well, the problem somehow absorbed Acnologia's magic in the process."

"So, you're saying that I have Acnologia's magic running inside my body that almost destroyed my lacrima."

"That's correct."

"I'm still confused!"

Angelica comes up behind me and puts her head beside my body. I stroke her head gently, as the white dragon who spoke earlier comes walking towards me. 

"Klara, your body is trying to absorb the magic and it's taking a little bit longer than other magic that you have absorbed in the past. So, your body is trying to get to use to the lacrima and Acnologia's magic at the same time. I'm Grandiene by the way."

"Nice to meet you Grandiene. But, do you know how long it's going to take?" I ask with concern.

"We don't know, but you must be prepared for Acnologia," Angelica says with worry.

"I will. Just give me some time," I reply back with sympathy.

The dragons come in close to me, as I give all of them a hug. Negramis and Angelica are crying, since their own child (aka me) is about to fight the strongest dragon in all of Fiore. I notice that the dragons are starting to disappear from my eyes. I'm guessing my body has absorbed Acnologia's magic. I wave goodbye to the dragons, realizing that I'm crying. I will definitely miss them, that's for sure. I open up my eyes, noticing that a face is staring right into mine. I begin to freak out, as I punch it in the face. I try to stand up as quick as I can, but I can still feel pain shooting inside my body. The thing I punched turned out to be a person, a person that looks's Sting!

A/N Back to reality...

"Sting, oh my goodness I'm so sorry!" I cry out to him.

"It's okay Klara. It's a good thing you're alive."

"Why? What happened?"

"Acnologia is going around Magnolia and is trying to destroy everything!"

"Where is he?"

"Last time I saw him, he was heading towards Fairy Tail."

I run as quick as I can to the guild. A bunch of thoughts run into my head, thinking will I ever beat Acnologia? No, don't think negative, think positive. As I reach the guild, I see the familiar shadow of the dragon that is the strongest dragon ever.

"Acnologia," I growl, "I shall defeat you!"

"You shall never defeat me, Sitori," a voice growls back.

Wait, was that Acnologia talking to me? He can talk??

"Wait, you can talk?" I ask.

"Yes, I can, but only to you."

Alright, time to focus. I see Acnologia shooting a blast to me, but I quickly dodge it. Good thing I'm still in angel dragon mode so I can fly. I look down and see a bunch a people cheering me on. I instantly smile and begin to concentrate on all of my magic energy. Wait, if all of these people are cheering me on, can they help me? I realize I need more magic energy, in order to use Acnologia's power since it's that strong. I send a message to Rosie's mind, so she can tell everyone to send their magic energy to me. All of a sudden, I feel stronger. I look down and see everyone sending their energy to me. I was about to cry, but I need to concentrate. As soon as everyone gave me their energy, I was ready to fight Acnologia. As he shoots another spell, I dodge once again but I now fight back.

"There lies the black magic in the darkest places of hell, but the light of the angels shine through the heavens, creating the strongest magic to ever exist. Hell and heaven shall untie and defeat darkness once and for all. Dragon Secret Art, Black Angel Dragon Heavenly Pits of Thunder Hell Fire!"

The spell shoots out of my hand, swirling white, black, blue, and red orange hues that make the spell look...heavenly yet hellish at the same time. Damn, I'm good at magic. Alright, enough bragging, focus. I focus my spell onto Acnologia's chest, hoping it will hit his heart. As soon as it hits his chest, I force my hands to push the spell forward, making it explode on Acnologia. After the explosion dies down, I see Acnologia falling from the sky, getting ready to hit the guild. Oh no, the guild! I fly as quickly as I can to catch the fallen dragon. I luckily got there in time, catching him in my arms, flying to ground, and setting him down gently. I notice that he already changed back to human form, which was good. I examine the same way that I did to Zeref and notice that he's still alive...well, barely. His eyes try to open, but they rather want to stay closed.

"Klara," he whispers out, "I just want you to know that you fought really good and I know your family."

"How do you kno-"

"I'm a brother of one of your great grandfathers from long ago."

"So, you're one of my great uncles?"

"That's correct. I'm so proud of you for what you did out there. I know that I'm about to die, but your parents, your human parents would have been so amazed at what you have done."

"I'm so glad I got to meet you...Uncle," I somehow mumble out. 

Tears start to swell up as I hold my uncle real close to me. Yes, I was supposed to defeat him, but I wish I didn't know this much about him. At the last minute, he whispers something in my ear that made me smile. I look down at him to say thank you, but it was too late. I try to hold in the tears, but they just come on out. I sit on the ground for a little bit, until I have enough courage to stand.  As I stand up, I see a person running towards, realizing it's Sting. 

"Klara!" he cries out.

"Sting!" I cry back. 

We hug for a while as I tell him what happened. He replies with "Sorry" and "It will be okay." I'm so glad he is here right now, holding me in his arms, having that reunion that I promised him a while back. It just really shows how much I missed and loved him. Yes, you heard me right, I love Sting and there is nothing wrong with that. I might as well just tell him how I feel before we go off on our separate ways once more.

A/N Hey everyone! I just want to let you know that this was a very long chapter, but I might put in a view of Sting reacting to Klara's sudden fall from the unexpected blast from Acnologia. It will show how much he truly cares about her, even through the rough times of losing in the Grand Magic Games, etc. This story will be coming to an end soon, I don't know when, but soon. I might put in bonus chapters, like extra point of views or extra flashbacks. I'll let you know as we get closer to the end. Hoped you enjoy it!

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