Klara vs. Zeref

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Klara's View

"Zeref," I growled in anger, "what are you doing here? Are you behind all of this?"

"All of this? Why, yes," Zeref replies with an evil smirk.

"What do you want from Fairy Tail?"

"I want to activate E.N.D. and to have...your lacrima."

"Why do you want it?"

"Because I want to have more power. You have the power of the angel dragon. I have the power to kill everything in my path. If I get your lacrima, I can get rid of my curse and become the Black Angel!"

"You won't get my lacrima, nor shall you activate E.N.D. If you want to do this, then you have to go through me."

"Bring it on, Legendary Dragon Slayer."

I scowl at his comment as I undo my braid, into a high bun. There shows my Fairy Tail mark, my true mark, the mark that represented who I am. I am a member of Fairy Tail, and I always will be. I see Zeref getting ready to shoot a spell at me. But in my head, I already have a spell in plan that will make Zeref look confuse. 

"Black Demo-"

"Dragon Secret Art, Thunder Dragon Rolling of the Thunderbirds!"

My spell hits Zeref hard on the chest, but he gets back up quickly.

"Not bad Sitori, you have grown up quite a bit...Black Spiral of Souls!"

I see the spell come toward me as I lift up my hand, so I can absorb the spell. The spell hits my hand hard, until it's gone. I have successfully absorbed Zeref's power! Now I know I'm strong. As I feel the magic energy surround my body, I start to chant another spell.

"Dragon Secret Art, Black Thunder Dragon Rumble of the Forbidden Demons!"

Black and gray swirled into one spiral, as it hits Zeref from head to toe. He falls down onto the ground and tries to get up, but another spell comes in my way. This one I don't really know, but I think the lacrima has finally grown. I start to concentrate so I can memorize all of the spells. After all of that is done, I start to chant the spell.

"From the gates of heaven, to the gates of hell. Let the light and dark combine....Dragon Secret Art, Fallen Thunder Angel Dragon Thundering Heavenly Demonic Blast!"

As the spell shoots from my hands, it goes directly to Zeref. The spell instantly explodes into a bright, white light. All of a sudden, the light goes away and there lays Zeref, still screaming. I somehow don't have my feet on the ground until I realized...I'm flying. I look around myself, noticing that I look like an angel, with some dragon scales surrounding my wrists and hands. I must be in angel dragon mode. I let my angel wings float me down to the ground. As I reach the ground, I walk over to Zeref, seeing blank eyes and a shock expression. I examine all around him, seeing if he's dead or paralyzed. After examining him, I look all around me and sigh in relief. Everyone around me is in shock, as I'm still uninjured and calm. I start to smile real big as I make the announcement that everyone is waiting to hear.

"People of Magnolia, I have an announcement to make. The Dark Lord, Zeref, has been defeated and the curse is gone. He is now just a normal mage and will continue to be Nastu's brother."

Everyone starts to cheer, as Rosie comes up beside me to give me a hug.

"I have a question," Rosie says, "What about E.N.D.?"

"Good question. I believe E.N.D. is now-"

I get interrupted by a blast that shoots me straight in the back. The world seems to go to black, as I hear Rosie screaming my name. I fall on the ground, thinking that I might die today.

A/N I know this chapter might have end on a bit of a cliffhanger (I apologize for that), but you'll see who hit Klara. Hoped you enjoy it!

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