The Confession

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The chapter you (probably) have been waiting for! :)

Sting's View

As we embrace each other's company, I realize I need to tell her how I feel.

"Hey, Klara?" I ask after embracing each other.

"Yes?" she replies with a smile.

"I need to tell you something."

"G-go ahead."

She starts to blush red in her cheeks, which my cheeks flush up.

"Klara, ever since we first met at the cafe, I felt a connection between us. I didn't know what kind of connection there was, but I knew I had to become friends with you. Going on missions, fighting each other at points, and just hanging out with you and Rogue, made me feel like I actually made an experience towards my life. When I saw your guild mark, I couldn't believe my eyes. I know it was bad and I know I should've been like everyone else, but I couldn't. The fact that you had to leave, made me feel bad about myself. I felt depressed, mad, full of regret, and I pushed everyone out of my life. As the Grand Magic Games came up, I fought with anger and ambition. But, I realized something. I realized what you said to me during a mission. You remember it don't you?" 

I stop to let her think and she nods her head, cuing me to go on.

"You talked about how everyone should be treating each other as a family member, not just a comrade. A guild should be known as a family and needs to work together, so you can feel the spirit of being a family and the spirit of fighting. During the last battle in the Grand Magic Games, I hid away from everyone so I fight Fairy Tail and win. But, that thought came into my mind. As I walk up to the Fairy Tail team, I saw them in their worst condition, standing, ready to fight with all they got. I stood there in awe, realizing that Sabertooth needed to be like Fairy Tail, a family. Thanks to you, I made the guild a better place and knowing that you would be a big impact in my life."

I pause for a minute, wondering if this is right.

"Sting," Klara asks, "Is everything alright?"

I look down at her, seeing a concern look on her face. I breath in and out, ready to tell her how I feel.

"Klara, I want you to be in my life. I need you in my life. You make me happier, you make me feel like I have a purpose in this world.... I care about you and I can protect you whenever you need it. Klara, I like you. I really like you and I think I'm falling in love with you."

I finally finish, feeling my cheeks. They are burning hot, which makes sense since I just confessed. I look at Klara, seeing her cheeks a dark shade of red. She finally looks up at me and takes a breath, ready to respond. 

"Sting," she starts out,"I like you too. I might be falling in love with you as well. I liked you ever since we first met and I wanted you in my life. When I left Sabertooth, I cried for weeks, almost two months straight to be exact. Rosie saw how depressed I was. I'm so glad I met you and that you're here, holding my hands, and feeling the same way as I am right now. Sting, you are my everything."

I let her finish, realizing she's crying. I hug her in tight, letting her finish (I'm a very patient man, in a way). She likes me too! I'm so happy right now! I feel her body trying to squirm, cuing me she's done crying. I look down at her, seeing a smile on her face. There's an itch in my body telling me to kiss her. I bring my hand to her face, bring her face close, and let my lips reach her. Our lips meet and her lips taste sweet. I really like it. I break away for a breath, waiting if she wants more. All of a sudden, a hand grabs my neck and we continue to kiss. It feels right. It feels like fireworks are exploding in my mouth, well, it's not the greatest kiss, but who cares. She breaks away and looks at me. I smile and she smiles back. I hear cheering in the background, noticing that everyone was watching. I repeat. Everyone was watching. Great, now Fairy Tail knows what happened to Klara. I feel bad now. Cana and Rosie come up behind Klara and bring her into a hug. Rogue gives me a noogie.

"You did good Sting. You did good," he says with a smile.


"Yeah. Let's get Lector to confess."

"Wait, what?! What are you talking about?" Lector cries out in embarrassment. 

We both laugh as Klara comes up behind me and asks me the question I've been wanting to hear.

"Do you want to be my boyfriend?"

"Of course, Klara. Who could ask for anything more?"

She starts to giggle. I pull her in close and we kiss once more.

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