No Way

22 4 0

Day 12
Friday September 6 20XX
Dear Diary,

Today there was a math test. Good thing I got 100 again. But I know this happy and normal living isn't gonna last long enough. Weird things were still happening. When I went to the library, I sat down and wanted to read some books. I was reading a special part that I like and suddenly, the bookshelf just fell down. It almost hit Glenda, she was a bit scared too.

As soon as school was over, I rushed to my home with my bike and waited for Jack. My brother told me that we can discuss this at his room. Finally at four o' clock in the afternoon, the door bell rang. I answered the door and it was Jack.

"You ready for this Amy?" He asked me with confidence. "Yeah...My brother is waiting inside his room. He wants to discuss this." I told him as we got inside my house and went to my brother's bedroom. My sister wasn't home because she had to stay in the university, so it's ashame that she can't join us.

We sat down on the light blue rug in my bro's bedroom. His bed was a race car themed bed. It was pretty cool actually and the fact my brother is at highschool. We were quite for a while until Jack broke the silence " So October....your little sister is umm..." he was confuse what to say to my brother. "I know what you mean Jack. And I think maybe it's time to put it in a test." My brother exclaimed seriously. Wait what!? A test? What kind of test? "O..okay wait. What test?" I asked him panickly. "'s not a big deal really but...try making an object in this room move." Jack told me. I don't even know that I even have one, how can I move things!? "I..I don't even know that I have I?" I was a bit nervous. Jack  and October looked at me and looked at eachother and finally October explained "Look Amy...if we're going to find out wether you have it or not, we might as well try it."

"O...okay." I said nervously. Then I looked around to see if I can find an object to make it  move. I finally tried to move a pencil on my brother's desk. I stared at it for like 3-4 minutes. I imagined the pencil will move to the left so it will fall of the table. Then I closed my eyes.....I can see a stick like of purple and I moved the purple thing to the left. After that I opened my eyes and concentrated on that pencil. But soon after that.....something strange was happening.

Suddenly the lamp just started to flick on and off by itself several times and the window suddenly smashed oppened. The pencil moved so fast it almost stuck in Jack's head and good thing it was stuck on the wall deeply. That was a close call. And everything was starting to shake a bit. I was scared, and I can't stop it. And it almost got worse

"Amy stop! Just calm down or else it wil get worse!" Jack exclaimed to me. My brother was frozen in place. He stared at me with a disbelief face and looked around his room. I can see a slight  fear on his face. I tried to calm down and finally I did.

" really...I...Amy you have telekinesis.." Jack told me. "I...I..." I was scared,confused, and panicked at the same time. Wha...what? I got it.....oh..oh no... what's gonna happen after this.... I'm scared... I don't know what to do.

"...N...No...No way...No way this is not happening to me! Th..this isn't real!! This is just a dream! Wh...why?" I shouted, and soon tear drops were falling down my cheek. I know that this is what I wanted but knowing that it can cause a lot of danger....I my life gonna be the same? I just can't be the same...not anymore.

"A ...Amy...d..don't cry..don't be sad Amy. If you're too sad you can cause something like that again. And can hurt you too so..please Amy." My brother told me then hugged me.  I was calmer after that. I stood still for a while. My brother's hug was always comfy and so....warm. A nostalgia came right away. I remmembered the old days before this happened.

Everything was just perfect back then. I can do what ever I want. I can play with anyone. I can be with my family happily. It was so fun. And most of all....I can be with my friends...especially Jack.
Now.......everything will change. And I'm afraid about that.

After he hugged me, he wiped my tears away. Then he told me to calm down. "You know...everything wouldn't be the same like the old days....but..I'm sure you will find  a way." He said to me. Jack also hugged me. His hugs were also warm and he always makes me smile even in the darkest days. "I'll help you..Amy" He said it with a warm smile. I smiled back.

But....there is still one thing in my mind.... what will happen next? What will happen to my life? No one knows.


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