It's Always A Good Time!

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Day 46
Wednesday October 17 20XX
Dear Diary,

Today is the day! A hang out after eight days of suffering! Sorry, I'm just too excited. I even accidentally slammed open the door with my powers. Okay, maybe I should becareful with that on my hang out...

Then I picked up a fiew stuffs with my powers into my bagpack. I also went into the bathroom and get dressed. I looked into the mirror and a new me is on the spot! A new more exciting and braver me! Suddenly, my phone rang. It was a call from Jack. I picked up the phone.

"Hello, this is Amy speaking." I said to him. "Oh Amy, where are you? We've been waiting here for fifteen minutes. Are you done yet? Your brother and sister are here too." He said to me. "Wait what?" I said as I looked at my watch and it was ten o'clock in the morning. "Okay I'll catch up!" I said to him as I hung up. I ran outside the house and saw them waiting next door at Jack's house. "Sorry I'm late." I said to them. "It's okay Amy, guys ready?" Jack asked all of us. "Heck yeah!" We all shouted and giggled. This is gonna be a good time.

Soon there we went in a big van and it fits all of us. My sister was driving in the front and I sat next to her. Jack was right behind me with Volt, October, and Calisto. On the back seet were Violet, Glenda, and Amber. Victor was sick so he can't join us today, what ashame. Finally we were off to one of the biggest amusement park in the city. A long the way we did a lot of fun stuffs like playing puzzles or just tell stories. Then I saw the entrance of the park and it was huge.

When we got there we bought our tickets and went in. "So what's first?" Jack asked us, as we all think about it. "I got an idea!" I said out loud. Everyone looked at me and I pointed to the "Catching The Skies" the most extreme rollloercoaster in the whole amusement park, as screams of thrill are heard fr the ride. "You sure about that?" Jack asked a bit shaky. "What?you scared?" Victor looked at him. "Look I think this is gonna be a great headstart!" Volt said to us. "Me too." My sister said as she gave Volt a highfive. "So it's on!" All of us shouted, as we ran to the rollercoaster. "C'mon Jack!" I said to him as I grabbed his hand.

We all sat in pairs. Me with Jack, Ester with Volt, and everyone was at the back of us. "You guys ready?!" I asked them. "Heck Yeah!" All of us shouted, as the rollercoaster started to move. The rollercoaster went up to a very high peak on the top, as our seatbelts were already tight. Jack started to shake heavilly and I did the same thing too. Okay atleast we can have a great time I thought. Oh and we were sitting at the very front seat in the rollercoaster.

'Brace yourselves!" I shouted as we went straight fown from the very top! Before I knew it I was screaming all the way and everyone else too. "My life is before my eyes!!" Jack shouted as we went into loops and turns. It was completely wild! The ride lasted about twenty minutes! We were all screaming with loads of fun. After the ride had finished we settle down for some lunch at the food court. We went inside and every single type of food was there. From American too the heart of Asia, everything was there. We sat down in a table for ten (although Victor was sick, they only had seats with
the number 2,4,6,8, and finally 10).

As we sat down, they gave us the menu. Hmm...I decided to order a baked salmon. Jack orderred a plate of spaghetti. Ester decided to order a nacho dip set. Everyone else was orderring a lot of foods. Amber orderred the same thing like me. Volt orderred a plate of grilled steak. Hydra  orderred a sushi set and Calisto just orderred a bubble drink. Glenda and Violet orderred two plates of fried rice with a lychee tea for their drink.

After we orderred them, we waited and chatted together talking about the schoola nd many more. Then not long after that our food is ready. Wow all the food! The nacho dip set was here first.

at all the food! The nacho dip set was here first

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Secondly my salmon...I think? I don't really know culinary stuffs actually lol😅

I think? I don't really know culinary stuffs actually lol😅

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Then the grilled steak came in. As soon as it was on the table Volt just smacked into it and bam! He said it was good.

 As soon as it was on the table Volt just smacked into it and bam! He said it was good

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Everyone was enjoying their meals together. We also ate together with the nachos Ester orderred for us. It was so good. "So...what should we do next?" I asked them. They suddenly when quiet. Wait...don't tell me that they just forgot to plan on next....and I was right. "Oh yeah...hmm...what about the "House of Mirrors", what do you guys say?" Jack asked all of us. We all agreed. And it was near the food court. We finally went inside it........

I was totally confused! I almost bumped into myself everytime I tried to walk or take a turn. I was dizzy. Everyone was going nuts with this. I can even hear Volt sighing hardly as a bump sound was spot on. Wow everyone really had a hard time...but other than was actually fun. Then Glenda found the way out and we all went outside with a relief. "Oh jeez that felt like it was gonna blow my dang mind!" Ester exclaimed as she rubbed her head. "But anyway it was sure fun." Calisto said to us. "So what now?" Violet asked us. Suddenly we soon realize that it was getting late. Then we heard an announcement "The Fireworks Mega Festival is about to begin in ten minutes. Please go to the main park for the festival." It was from the speaker, and that sounds interesting too. "Hey, how about that festival? What do you guys say?" I asked them. "Great idea Amy! Well the fact that you always have great ideas..." Jack said to me as he soon blushes a little. "" I said as I did the same thing too. "You love birds are going to stay like this or what?" October exclaimed with a little chuckle.

We looked at eachother and blushed. Then everyone started too chuckle a bit. "Okay! Let's just go to the fireworks everyone!" Jack shouted out panickly as he blushed even more that makes him...kinda cute. Anyway we ran as fast as possible to the main park and we got front row seats. Before it started everyone was counting down. "!!" Everyone shouted and then fireworks started to shoot out to the sky.

We saw many different kind of fireworks. They were really beautiful. Even there was one in the shape of a macaw. It was so cool. Everyone seens to enjoy it even Jack. He looked at me and smiled and grabbed my hand. "I told you that it's gonna be okay." He said to me. "Thank you Jack..." I said to him smiling back at him. We both laughed a bit. Then I saw Hanna's ghost for a second. She was sitting next to October watching the fireworks with a smile as she disappeared into thin air.

This the best night of my whole entire life....and I can't believe that ...I finally found someone that I loves me. This was just the best! 😊


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