Solitary Day 6: Why Ten Days?

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Day 6 at EPRA Solitary
A reason for ten days at EPRA Solitary
18.00 Pm, Saturday October 13 20XX

So we found out the way of getting out of here, but one thing bothers me......why should I stay in ten days before I could get out? Doesn't make sense right? I mean....well yeah I know it's for their research feels strange. Like there was still one thing that they didn't tell me about. Hmm...U wonder why should it be ten days? Even Hanna escaped in seven days....that means that there's something going on here. Okay I had a bad feeling about this because....I'm the only one that is assigned to this project.'s not like what the email says......I'm not sure.

Well, I continued walking down the hallway . I was on my way to my room until I heard foot steps coming right this way. "Oh God I have to hide." I thought to myself and hid myself behind a steel wall. I tried to listen what they are up to.

"We only need four days and it will be complete yes?" An unusuall voice spoke. "Oh yes, this will be a great success then the last one." This time it sounded like Professor Emerald is talking. What are they ralking about anyway? What does four days mean? I have to get to the bottom of this. I sneeked behind them and followed them from behind. I carefully tip toed my way. After some time, they stopped walking and I stopped tip toeing and hid behind a wall again.

I saw them enter a code and a passage way was right infront of them. They went inside. Before it closes I ran as fast as I could and got in there without them noticing me. Then I carfeully followed them. I could also heard their conversation from the distance. They're talking Is this about the project?

Maybe....just maybe....this will explain my strange feeling about staying here for ten days. Then I peeked on a nearby pillars and saw this big machine and all sorts of gadgets and computers....wait is this the database!? So,they took a secret short cut to the fourth floor?! Wow this is really unbelievable. Suddenly the computer spoke "Total progress 63% until activation." Wait...what's 63% until activation mean? What are they up to actually?

"See I told you it will be quiet fast." Said another voice. "*sigh...I just hope that it wouldn't be like last time...and I will NEVER let that happen again this time." Professor Emerald told them. Are they talking about Hanna? I should keep listening to them to make myself clear.

"That girl doesn't seem as smart as the last one." Professor Emerald told them. "You mean Amy?" Another voice spoke. She nods and took a deep breathe and finally continued "Look...I don't want her to get out before ten days...unlike the other one." "Why?" Asked another. "If we can keep her here for ten days that "headgear" will be ready." She said clamly. Ready? Ready for what!? Then I listened to her again.

"That "headgear" isn't actually a headgear. But it is a mind contoling machine. It will control her mind so we can take advantage of her powers even herself. There is no way of breaking that thing off. It has an anti pshychic system inside it, so she can't break it out." She said with a sinister smile.

What!? Oh..oh no! I tried to get it off and she was's stuck on my head permanently. "What should I do!? If this thing wouldn't get off their gonna brainwash me...and it's already 63% until activation!?" I thought as I tried to tug it off. I tired with my powers too and it didn't work. Suddenly I tripped off and fell which made a loud "thump" sound. They turned to look around and saw me!

Oh crap, they saw me! I have to get out of here! "DON'T let her escape!" She shouted as she pointed at me. Suddenly both of her eyes...glew with a bright green color and destroyed the exit. Wait she can do that!? Oh no...I'm trapped. After that I was tangled in thick ropes with a green haze unlike me with a purple color. She tied me tightly. I squirmed and tried to get out using my powers but it didn't work. She got closer and closer to me. "Well..well..well, what do we have here? A girl that was spying on us? You know..spying on others is rude don't you think?" She asked me sarcastically as her I glows even brighter. Then she lift me up and took me to a hidden place. "With you...I can use your powers to help me dominate this world starting with your have a brilliant mind...and ot will be great if we can use it for something more fun right?" She asked as she threw me into a cell. "Now stay here and just wait for four days, it's not that long right?" She told me as she closed the cell and protected it with an anti pshychic barrier.

"Let me out!" I said to her. But she left me and it was all....dark. I've never been alone in a drak place like this...usually..October will hug me and Ester will light up her flashlight and play shadow puppets together. This is one of my greatest moments that I will cherish forever, even if it was something simple , yet now it's something teally meaningful to me.'s just a memory. I cried.....*sob..*sob...

I rememberred every single moment of me with my friends that I had all this time...these moments are the only things I have left now.....I..*sob...have to..*sob g-get back to my home, my friends,...*sob my family. But I can't give up like that.

From here I can learn to stay strong and be strong for everyone...for myself. Everyone trusted me since the very beginning...and I won't let them down....

I wouldn't let anyone take over me...because I am what I think I am.
And I think I am a smart person that will help my friends and family...and I think that I can get out of this place. There's no way I'm giving up, because I have people that counted on me...I won't let them down. Anyway...Hanna's book is still in my pocket. So I have a little something that might help me to get out of this place. For now...I have to find a way out of this cell.

Day 6 at solitary▪▪▪▪End▪▪▪▪▪


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