Solitary Day 4: Uncovering The FIRST

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Day 4 at EPRA Solitary
Secret Research of EPRA Revolution 1
16.30 Pm, Thursday October 11 20XX

This morning I got a message from Jack. He said that he just rememberred that before her sister was dead, she disappeared for seven days....that's like...a week full! Jeez...October didn't tell me anything about this. Wow so weird...I wonder what happened to her.
Anyways, I decided to do an investigation on the first project ever made. I'm assigned at the second project. And surely, I'm not doing this alone.

Volt, Amber,Hydra, and Calisto are gonna help me. We're gonna do this after our training is done. With Calisto's "brains" and my detective-like abilities
will find this information in no time.
Amber was so excited until she almost burnt Calisto's hair. The first place we searched for was....the library. It has to be it. And what a coincidence, Miss Lilyan was there. She was reading a book and finally saw me. I got close to her and sat down next to her. I told my friends that I'll be back. I wanted to ask her about something, and if this is right maybe this is the key.

"Good afternoon Miss Lilyan. Can I perhaps...ask you something?" I asked her a little nervous. She smiled at me "What is it Amy?" She asked me warmly. "Do you know a boy named....Jack?" I asked her. "Oh yes, he is my nephew. That's why I know you Amy." She told me. Finally this might be the key for me to get out. "Wow, I knew it! That why you're always so nice to me. Thank you." I said to her. She smiled the warmest smile I've ever seen. But before, I could ask anything else, Calisto grabbed my hand. Then Miss Lilyan only gave me one paper with one word on it.

Maybe...just maybe...this is our clue of getting out or something about the first EPRA Revolution project. Calisto brought me to the rest of the gang. "We found something maybe you should check it out." Amber explained as she carefully calm herself down so she wouldn't burn the book. The book was quiet old and it was dusty. "Where did you guys find this?" I asked them. Calisto pointed to a hidden drawer that was almost difficult to see or notice it. "Volt was trying to grab a magazine when suddenly he tripped over and his hand was slipped between the drawer." He explained. I looked at the openned drawer.... I noticed that it has a book sign on it but it was hardly visible.

Maybe Miss Lilyan is trying to help me. She seemed to know something a secret.....but oh well. I have to find informations for the EPRA Revolution Project 1, and this might be the book! I wiped the book carefully and noticed something was written on it "EPRA Rev..tion.....1" wait this is it. I wiped the book even more and there it was "EPRA Revolution Project 1." Oh my God! This is the book. I hope we get to know about the first project and maybe that Subject 15. I looked around to make sure no one knows this. I carefully openned the book
to see what's inside it.
EPRA Revolution Project 1

Doing this first project we're going to assign one subject from fifteen subjects in total. We've chosen one of the subjects. This subject is very powerful. This subject is also a teenager. We never expected this, she was too powerful until we have to isolate her from the others since her first day here. That's why the other subjects wouldn't recognize this subject.

The subject we assigned for this is Subject 15 . Subject 15 is a very unique and powerful subject we have ever observed on. We just hope that this will be our first and succesful subject for our first porject. We hope that nothing wrong happens.

▪■▪■▪■ 1
And with that the first page was done. I turned up on the next page and started reading it.
EPRA Revolution Project 1

This is the second day of our project. We did some research on Subject 15 .
She everything was stable and all went well...nothing much really happened. We also found out that she can manage not only telekinesis, but also other phsychic powers. That't why we cjose her. As usuall she often just...sitson her bed and well....being so still. We've asked her a fiew question including about her family. Her answer was " Don't ever think about doing this to them." She said in a cold tone. As a professor I have to socialize with the subject. She didn't even give her name to me. She seems like a nice girl. The problem was that her powers are somehow uncontrollable.

However, she can express herself very well. She loves to write on a note book about herself. I never checked on her book because it was hidden some where in her room. So I went off from the tenth floor to the first floor with the elevator. Our research wouldn't stop here.

We were all reading page to page, but we didn't find the subejct's name somehow.......and finally....the day that we've waited for....her escape.
EPRA Revolution Project 1
............ ___________
Why?.....why?......why did she escape?! But how!? I....I already put security system into a strict kind of level......I treated them nicely.. ......and it's not even done yet................that girl!! Subejct 15 escaped from her room without a warning.. .........

The securities are on the go. I will not let her get out that easily. Now they're chasing soon I get her or not......I will do anything to keep everyone else from escaping.
The page was ripped by someone. We sat there for a moment without a single word.......finally Volt broke the silence. "Atleast we know that Subject 15 is a girl...and her room is at the tenth floor....but I have the feeling that her room must be hidden somewhere..." Volt said as the library lights started flicking. "V..Volt?" I asked him. He looked at me then realize that his power was almost out of control. "I..I'm sorry guys maybe I'm too tired right now. I suggest we shpuld do this tomorrow...and make sure no one knows this...." He told us. After that we placed the book back to it's place and left it there like nothing happened.

"Her room is at the tenth floor huh?...maybe her notes will help us reveal who she is and what really happened..... " I thought to myself as I got to my room and said goodbyes to my friends. Come to think of it....I think who wrote that book was....Professor Emerald....I really had a complicated feeling after reading that.

I was in my room and I checked on my pad. No new messages except for Jack's email this morning. I'm really tired right now......well good night.....

But one thing for sure......I'm going to find out and reveal the real Subject 15....

Day 4 at solitary▪▪▪▪End▪▪▪▪▪


And what I got really shocked me....

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