Solitary Day 2: Examination and One More Thing...

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Day 2 at EPRA Solitary
Examination of Subject 16
05.30 Am, Tuesday October 9 20XX

I woke up with a shock because of the loud sirene they put on."Subject 16, report to the station immediately." As the voice quiet down from the speaker. "Dang..I didn't know living in this place
Is  NOT as easy as I thought it will be...*sigh." I said as I walked into the elevator and pushed on the first floor, that's where the station is. There are like...12 floors in this place. Wow quiet tall for a research center huh? My room is at the fifth floor of this place. The twelfth floor is the helipad area. The underground floor is where the planes used for hunt downs and fights are. The fourth floor is the data base, they kept all files including mine at that place. The second floor is the examination area. But I didn't know what the third floor...I don't know about that...maybe they'll show me.

I arrived at the first floor and when the door oppened Professor Emerald was there right infront of me. "Good morning Amy. Today we will be taking further examination of you so please fill in this form first, go to the desk and fill it in and give it to Miss Lilyan the lady over there." She said to me as she pointed at the lady. She was abit surprised when she saw me but after that she gave me a smile. It was like that she knew something about me....somehow.

So I sat down on a nearby desk and filled out the form. I checked my form after I filled it in.

Name          : Amy Joanne Gill

Age :     12         
Subject number :     16                                   

Ability          :       Psychokinesis
Education :                                 
Elemantary○  Juniorhighschool●   Highschool   ○           College            ○  
Blood type:    B                         

          CODE     :         S16                    

By signing this form you will have access to EPRA Solitary for ten days of examination and with this you will be a volunteer of the EPRA Revolution second project.
You will be confirmed as (Subject 16).

Well that's that then. So I gave the form to the lady and she smiled back. "Thank you Miss Lilyan." I said to her. "Your welcome. Do I...know you?" She asked me curiously. "Umm...I just got here nope...I'm sorry." I said to her. "It's okay Amy." She said to me smiling. "Amy, it's time for your examination." Professor Emerald told me. "Yes Professor! I gotta go Miss Lily, bye." I said to her. She waved back and smiled warmly at me. What a nice woman she is....

So Professor Emerald took me inside the elevator and pushed the second floor button. We waited inside for a little while before I knew it, I was already at the second floor. I saw alot of computers and holograms...I think this was the place when I first got here. It was so cool. Then other sciencists came to me and laid me down on a bed. "Don't worry, we're just gonna give you a little scan for your examination." She said that as she closed the top of my bed. "Close your eyes okay?" She asked me. "Okay." I answered shortly.

The they started scanning me. I could hear some of them whispering something, but I didn't know anything about it. I was a bit scared when they put me in, but maybe it wasn't as bad as I thought it will be....

After they've done scanning on me Professor Emerald came closer to me and said everything went well. "Your health is good, your "talent" is stable everything was okay." She said to me. "Oh...*phew... what a relief.." I sighed . "Oh we're not done yet..." she told me. "What do you mean? The examination is done right?" I asked her confused. "There's just one more thing...." she told me and the room  began to turn into silence.

"Come along now....I want you something Amy...." she said to me as she walked to the elevator. But this time.....two guys are right beside if they wanted to prevent me from running away. Just before the elevator closes, I saw the scientists....sad somehow. Why are they sad? When the elevator closes, she pushed the third floor button. Oh she wanted to show me the third floor....that's nice I guess.....

"I have something for you..." She said to me. "What is it? it gonna hurt me?" I asked nervously. "'s not..." she said to me as the elevator oppened up the third floor. Inside was a lot of scanning systems and probably....headgears? Wait headgears? I saw a light blue chair with a table beside it. "Just sit here and wait for a minute...." she said to me as the two guys led me to the chair. What are they gonna do to me? Is it really necessarry. Soon afterwards she brought some sort of.....gear? Oh it's a headgear...wait what!?"We're just going to put this on your head." She told me as she put it on. It has a purple light. "Wht is his for?" I sked her. "We will keep track of your powers through here." She told me. "But...I don't really want this...I mean....I'm not an ordinary kid anymore huh?" I asked her. "Of course you're not. You have that special "talent" what makes you diferrent than the other kids." She said to me. But soon after that I felt dizzy and passed out.

Before I knew it, I was at my room with a headgear on my left eye tightly. And there was an email.... one from the professor and one from Jack. I got up to the pad and checked on the Professor's message first

"Amy, if you're awake please read this message. You are assigned on the EPRA Revolution project so we have to keep track of you....even your powers. We checked on your health and decided to put a headgear on your head. And this will messure how strong your powers are when it's active. However....this should take probably four days  for installment, but it turns out it the installment is  tomorrow... so don't worry.
Prof. Q.E" that was the message.

Now...from Jack.....
"Hey Amy, are you okay? I thought maybe you need some company. Are you reading this? You can reply my message trough my email I gave you yesterday. Everyone misses you Amy.....I miss you give a message kay? Cheerios!😁~Jack" Suddenly...I cried....."Oh Jack....October....Ester... I miss you guys.....*sob...I don't want to be like this...*sob..alone with no one only my memories." I said while I'm still sobbing. I decided to send him a message this night....right now. I wrote the email address he had given me to me the other day. I also wrote my subject number on the "from" collumn. I wrote my message....

"Dear Jack,
I.....I realy missed you...I miss all of you....and everything going as well as I thought.....please me......I....I need you Jack.....I.....I miss you so much. Please Jack.....I need your help...I need everyone's help....please...get me out of here. I just want to be happy again..just like the old days....They put on me some sort of headgear so they can keep track of my powers....I really feel diferrent now.....Not like the old me.....


After I'm done writing the message I sent it to Jack. I wonder.....what will I be then?...

Day 2 at solitary▪▪▪▪End▪▪▪▪


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