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I was the last one out of the classroom, as always. Though I have many friends in nearly all of the Houses, especially Ravenclaw, I found myself alone quite often. I don't mind, but I've always wondered what it was like to have at least one constant companion whom I can rely on and will always be by my side, both figuratively and literally.

When I finally emerged into the corridor, there were only about half a dozen other students lingering as everyone went their separate ways. Normally at this time, I would go to the Great Hall, grab a quick bite to eat, then spend about an hour in the library before my next class, Divinations. However, today I was grabbed from behind and pulled behind a stone column. As I opened my mouth, a strong hand covered it.

"Be quiet." A young man's voice whispered warningly in my ear. Though I kept silent, I tried to wriggle myself free. My captor held me close to him, tightening his arm around my waist.

After another minute, I stopped struggling. And finally, I was released. Turning around, I glimpsed a silver and green tie, and a head of light blonde hair as he peered around the column. The corridor was now empty, and we were alone.

"What do you want?" I asked the Slytherin.

Draco Malfoy glared at me for a moment, then nervously adjusted the shoulder strap of his bag, chewing his lip. He must be uncomfortable, being alone with me.

"Um. . . I. . . Can— I mean. . ." For a boy who likes to hear his own voice, he stutters a lot when he's not being watched or surrounded by his posse and other students. "Will you tutor me? That is, if your offer still stands."

I stared at him in surprise. I approached Draco about helping him in Charms a week ago. But. . . "I thought you didn't need help from a wise-witch like me." I enticed, crossing my arms.

"I know, but I. . . was wrong," he scowled at his shoes. Is this the first time he's ever admitted he was wrong? I wouldn't surprise me if it was. "I do need help, and you've already offered it. . . I guess I'm kind of desperate."

I pitied the young man. A prideful Slytherin going as far as to ask a Ravenclaw for help. That's something one doesn't see every day. I sighed and reluctantly replied, "I suppose I can help you out. But I should tell you. . ." I grabbed his tie and pulled him until he was just inches from me. Staring dead into his silver eyes, I quietly warned him "I don't like people sneaking up and grabbing me from behind. The next time you do that, I might end up hexing you."

He swallowed and nodded, a hint of fear and amaze swirling into his eyes. "Uh, I— I understand." As I let go of his tie, I saw the relief in his face even as he tried to turn away and hide it.

"Is there a certain time or place you'd like to meet?"

"Afternoons, preferably somewhere no one can spot us. I, uh, sort of have a reputation to protect."

"As do I," I pointed out. Though I don't really care what others think. It wouldn't matter to me if someone saw us together. "I know an area in the Restricted Section. Not a lot of students know about it, so we shouldn't be disturbed. If you don't have anything going on later, meet me by the Section's door at 4 o'clock."

With that, I left. Glancing back only once as I turned towards the Great Hall, I caught a glimpse of Draco watching me. Strange. . .

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