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Throughout the summer, Draco and Serena wrote to each other in secret. With a simple charm, they could make their letters look like nonsense, to make sure anyone who might intercept its delivery wouldn't know a thing. The same charm could reverse it, so the couple could read them. Though the letters were short, they were enough to make the two of them happy.

June 4

My dragon,

I know you made me promise not to send you any gifts for your birthday, but I couldn't resist. The emerald snake pin was practically calling out to me. I wish I could be there for your 17th. Until then, I count the days until I see you again. Happy birthday!

With love, Song

June 8

My dearest song,

I love the pin, but the only gift I wanted from you was to see your smile in person again. One week away from you, and I'm already worried out of my mind for you. He's getting stronger and he's determined to kill him. Make sure you never wander on your own. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you.

Forever yours, Dragon

June 29

My loving dragon,

I'm sorry I haven't written in a while- the Lovegoods have been helping me go through my parents' old things. I'm still trying to figure out whether I want to keep the house or sell it.

Don't worry about me, love. I'm more worried about you. Who knows what horrible things they will make you do. Please be careful.

Love, Song

July 6

My sweet song,

It's just like you to be concerned about the people you care about. Don't trouble yourself and worry about me. If anything happens, I'll tell you. Until we meet again, be safe.

Yours, Dragon

July 15

My dear dragon,

I've finally decided that I'm going to keep my parents' house. It would be a nice way to sort of keep my parents alive, and I want to have a place to come to during the breaks. Come October 3rd, and I'll be allowed to stay there. Maybe you can come see it with me sometime? I'm sure you would have liked my parents, and they would have liked you.

Anyway, I can't wait until I turn 17, and I also can't wait to see you again.

Missing you, Song

July 22

Darling song,

I would have loved to meet your parents. Perhaps before you show me your home, you can show me their graves. That way, I can tell them how grateful I am to them for creating such an amazing girl. I've actually always wondered what it was like to live in a simple house instead of my family's manor.

My family and I went to a concert earlier this week. It was nice, but the woman who sang does not compare to you. I hope you're having a good summer, and I am waiting as patiently as I can for the day I see you again.

Longing for you, Dragon

August 3


The other day at Bill and Fleur Weasley's wedding, we were attacked by Death Eaters. I'm not hurt. Luna's father got us out of there just in time. Still, I'm scared. Please tell me that everything will be alright. You can tell me to not worry all you want, but it's not going to change a thing. I love you.


August 12

Dearest song,

I swear, I had no idea that was happening. Please be careful. I promise I'll protect you. If anything like that happens, send word immediately. I'll be there as soon as I can. My love, it drives me mad not being able to stay by your side and make sure you avoid any danger. Being so far from you, I've become paranoid. I'm worried that with each day I wait for your response, something could be happening to you, and there's nothing I can do. I can't wait for all of this to be over.

Stay safe, Dragon

August 19

Sweet dragon,

I'm worried about the same thing, and I don't blame you. Being so far apart from someone you love is absolute torture, cannot even compare to the Cruciatus curse. I keep hearing on the radio a long list of witches and wizards who are missing. And the newspapers tell nothing but about Death Eater attacks on both the wizard and muggle worlds, and deaths of magical and non-magical folk alike. I'm scared that this will never end.

Be careful, Song

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