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I rubbed my arms, staring at the faded scars. Most of them were barely visible, but they still haunted me. Some nights, I'd wake up screaming from nightmares of Bellatrix torturing me. Every time I woke up, Draco wasn't too far. After he introduced me to his parents, they were able to accept me. His mother seemed to like me a lot, kept saying that I was good for her son and couldn't be more proud of both of us.

The Battle of Hogwarts ended with Voldemort's life, a little over two years ago. I was relieved when I learned that Bellatrix had also been killed that night, but that didn't stop the nightmares. I never completed my seventh year. I couldn't go back as a student when I knew that I had changed too much. No amount of time in a classroom or library could undo the things that happened to me that year. I stayed in my parents' house, living alone for a year. Draco insisted that I stay at the Malfoy Manor. He didn't want to leave me again, but I didn't want to live in the elaborate house.

So we compromised; he could stay in the spare bedroom if he really wanted to look after me and spend the night whenever he requested, with the exception of holidays, which we'd spend at his family's. Before I knew it, he practically moved in. Whenever I awoke from a nightmare, he'd rush into my room and hold me until I fall back asleep. And every morning, I would make breakfast for him as a thank you.

Eventually, I taught him how to cook and he started making me breakfast. It was almost as though we were a married couple when we spent the day doing daily chores, reading books, or just doing fun activities like when we were first dating. And I enjoyed every moment of it.

"You alright?" Draco asked, sitting down next to me on the couch. I liked seeing him in his worn t-shirt and jeans. Somehow, I thought this look suited him better than his dark green collared, button-up shirt and black blazer.

I smiled, nuzzling into his side as he stroked my arm. "Yes, I was just looking at my history. How's yours?"

He lifted his left arm to show me. Apparently since the death of the evil wizard, the Dark Mark on all of the Death Eaters faded slowly like any other wound. A faint pink skull and snake decorated his inner arm. "Doing better. Hopefully, it will be faded into nothing one day."

"That's good. So, what do you want to do today?"

I felt him shrug. "I don't know. I just want to sit here, with the woman I love and the only cat that ever liked me."

Emrys jumped onto the couch to join us. As he crawled onto my lap, I noticed something in his mouth. He dropped it in my hand, and I identified it as a small, velvet drawstring bag, with something hard inside.

"What's this?" I asked curiously, looking from the cat to the man.

"I've. . . been thinking long and hard about how to do this," Draco began. I stared at him, confused, as he sat up and faced me. What does he mean? What's he up to? "I'm just going to say what I want. Serena, you're the first girl who ever liked me for who I was and didn't care about where I came from, or what House I was in at Hogwarts. You've been my inspiration to be a better person since the moment I first met you- from your kindness and heart, to your spirit and confidence. I don't want to spend any more time apart from you."

My heart felt like it was liquefied by his sweet words. Draco took the small bag from my hand and slid off the couch, bending onto one knee. What is-? Is he doing what I think-?!

He pulled a ring with a large diamond and two sapphires carefully set on a silver band. My hands covered my mouth as tears began to blur the edges of my vision. The man looked up at my face, eyes filled with endearment, nervousness, and determination. "Serena Joy Chanson, will you marry me, and let me spend the rest of my life making you as happy as you've made me?"

"Draco. . ." was all I could say when my voice began to choke on tears.

"W-we can live here if you want. I'll go wherever you want to go, just as long as you're happy."

I shook my head, realizing his misunderstanding, and lowered my hands to hold his face. "You've always made me happy, more than I ever thought possible," I kissed him firmly on the mouth and whispered my answer. "Yes. Of course I will!"

Laughing, he slipped the ring onto my finger and kissed me like he'd never kissed me before. Eventually, Emrys decided he didn't want to be squished between us and wandered off. For the remainder of the day, we decided to visit his parents to tell them the news tomorrow, and began discussing wedding details. Though I didn't remember all of them when I went to bed that night, I knew that it was going to be fantastic, just like our life together. I couldn't wait to be married to the love of my life.

Nothing could make me happier.

***************************************************************** Thank you so much for reading! I can't wait to start writing a new story, fanfic, or whatever inspires me.

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