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Draco scanned the Great Hall during the first dinner of the school year. She's not here? He continued to search through the faces during his classes. Serena's face was nowhere in sight. His heart sank, and his mind whirled frantically with questions. Where is she? Did she not get my letter asking for us to meet? Did she write to me saying she wasn't coming to Hogwarts, but it never reached me? Could something have happened to her?!

Desperate, he asked a group of Ravenclaw girls if they knew where Serena was. To his disappointment, they didn't know. The new headmaster, Professor Snape, didn't even know what to say. For an entire week, Draco laid awake at night, worrying and wondering where his beloved Serena could be.

Finally, he decided to try to contact her. The young man wrote two letters, one of them addressed to Mr. Lovegood.

Mr. Lovegood,

I'm a friend of Serena. It's best that I don't tell you exactly who I am. I've noticed that she has not come to school. I'm concerned about her. Could you tell me where she is, or how I can contact her? She has a lot of friends who are worried about her.

I cannot give you my real name for your safety. Should you try to contact me, please address me as "Dragon".



Where are you? What's happened? I was afraid something like this would happen. Please be safe. I'll find you. I promise.

Love, Dragon

Draco sent each letter with a different owl to avoid suspicion. Find her! He pleaded as he sent Serena's letter from Owlery. Watching the two birds disappear into the horizon, the young man gripped the balcony rail with one hand and the serpent pin on his shirt with the other. Where is she?

***************************************************************** Sorry that this chapter is so short. Things have been hectic this weekend, and I won't have time to write the next chapter for at least another day. Thank you for your patience, and for taking the time to read this.

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