Found Out

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I breathed the fresh spring air, embracing the soft breeze. The snow had completely melted and everything in sight was green. It was warm enough for me and Draco to study outdoors. But today was Saturday, and he wanted to show me some tricks on his broomstick.

"I still don't think it's really possible." I pointed out, though I couldn't help but laugh as he tried to stand on his broomstick.

"Of course it is," he insisted, attempting to find his balance. "I've seen it done before."

"They must have had more practice than you."

"Nonsense. I can do it. Just watch." Draco extended his arms and balanced on the thin broom. He smiled at his success, and I smiled back, astounded. However, it only lasted for a second.

Suddenly, the Nimbus 2001 took off from beneath him and he was thrown backward. The young man slammed against a tree and landed on the rocky shore of the lake.

"Are you alright?" I asked as I helped him up. He shook his head and smiled.

"I guess I do need more practice." He chuckled. I laughed with him, but stopped when I saw a glimpse of red on his light blue shirt-sleeve.

"You're hurt." I reached for his arm, but he pulled it away.

"I'm alright."

"We'll see about that. Let me take a look." I grabbed his arm and began pushing up his sleeve.

Draco quickly pulled it back down. "It's just a scratch, really."

"Come on, just let me help." I finally shoved his sleeve up his arm, and my blood froze. A red cut on the side of his arm, and a black tattoo on the inside of his lower arm. A skull with a serpent coming out of its mouth. The Dark Mark.

"You're one of them," I said softly, completely shocked. I looked up at his face. His eyes were full of fright and sorrow, his mouth opened with uncertainty. "Death Eaters. . ."

He tugged his sleeve back down and reached for me as I back away. "Serena, please. Let me explain."

"You're with him!"

"Not exactly—"

"Tell me what you're supposed to be doing here! Why are you really at Hogwarts?"

Draco stared at me sadly. Is he upset that I discovered his secret? Or is he trying to find a way out of this? He continued to reach out to me, but I stepped back. To my dismay, I was backed into a large tree trunk. Still watching him, I listened. "I was sent by them with a mission to get rid of someone."

"Professor Dumbledore." I realized. He nodded, unsmiling.

"But it was a difficult task for me. I needed help."

My heart split in my chest. "So you used me?"

"No! Well, maybe at first, but. . ."

I've heard enough. I have to get out of here. I have to get away from him! I turned and started running. He quickly caught up to me and grabbed my arm. "Serena, I didn't mean—"

"Let me go!" I pulled out my wand. Though tears were beginning to blur my vision, I pointed it at Draco. "Stupefy!"

He didn't have time to react, and he fell to the ground. I stared at his limp body for a moment, then ran. I didn't stop running until I got to the girls' dormitory, then threw myself onto my bed. My heart hurt so much, and the tears wouldn't stop falling from my eyes. I never want to see that lying bastard again.

*************************************************************************************** Thank you for reading! (I will not apologize for any & all cliffhangers that I write.) Thank you for rating, commenting, and adding my story to your reading lists. It makes me happy knowing that people actually like my writing. Until the next chapter! :)

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