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I lost track of how many days I've been locked away for, but the lowering temperature from outside told me when winter was drawing near. The tower was completely made of stone and had one small room. A single window gave me light, but it was barred and too high for me to reach. All that was in the room was a wooden chair and table, a straw mattress with a flat pillow and blankets serving as a bed.

I was informed that the walls were thick and soundproof, so there was no point in calling for help. I tried anyway for a few days, but nothing worked. The first day I was taken up here, Bellatrix Lestrange explained what I can and cannot do in my new room, and what was going to happen to me.

"There's a force field inside this room. If you try to unlock the door, you'll get blasted. You can touch the walls and door all you want, but if you so much as scratch them, you'll get hurt. You'll be served two meals a day, nothing special." She leaned close to me, staring at me with eyes filled with amusement and insanity. "And you're going to be in here, by yourself until you join the Dark Lord's army. If you want to avoid isolation in this tower, come with me."

I scowled at her and sat on the chair, not saying a word. She has a short temper, I realized when she shot a bolt of lightning at me before leaving the room and locking the door. Alone with only Emrys, I tugged at a seam on the mattress. Once I made a hole just the right size, I slipped my wand into it. It would be best if I kept it hidden from them. That night, a short and stout man with a silver hand brought me food, then a basin with water, towels, and pajamas. He wasn't being kind, just following orders. For some reason, they wanted to keep me alive for the time being.

My meals were always simply bread, sometimes a fruit, and milk or water to drink. I share with my food with Emrys, though we both slowly grew thin. Every day while the sun was out, I sent a Patronus message hoping it would reach Draco or somebody. Whenever the door was being unlocked from outside, I'd hide my wand in the mattress and the cat under the blankets.

Bellatrix was my only other visitor. She came every day to ask if I'm going to join the Death Eaters. With each rejecting answer, she'd hurt me. Some days, it was with an electric bolt or a cut on one of my limbs. Other days, she'd use the Cruciatus curse on me or cut a word into my arm. I stared at the pink scar on my arm reading weak, the oldest scar I had. It might be easier for me to give up, but I refuse to be a coward when my parents were so brave. I'm not going to let her get to me.

One day, Bellatrix danced into my room, grinning wickedly. "I know where I've heard your name!" she sang.

"When my parents were killed?" I asked nonchalantly.

"No," she grabbed me by the hair and pulled me until I was standing in front of her. I held my scalp as she spoke. "You were the girl who tutored my nephew, Draco."

Oh no!

"Draco Malfoy?" I asked, feigning innocence as best as I could. "You're his aunt?"

"Yes. Can't you see the family resemblance?" The woman threw my head at the nearest wall. I saw stars as I tried to get up. She suddenly grabbed my hair again and pulled my throbbing head back until I was looking at her behind me. "I also recognized the handwriting on your love letter, the one we found on you when you first came here. It never occurred to me that it was from little Draco, until I matched it to a letter we got from him. He's coming home for the holidays, probably arriving this afternoon." The wild woman leaned in and whispered in my ear, "What do you think he would say if I asked him what he thought of you?"

Keep it a secret. If they find out, you'll both be killed! I stared at the stray black curls above my eyes as I answered. "He doesn't like me, if that's what you're asking. He paid me to tutor him in a couple of his classes last year. We're nothing more than classmates."

"LIAR!" Bellatrix released my head and seized my left arm.

I opened my mouth to protest, but a cry in pain escaped instead. There's no point in asking for mercy from Bellatrix Lestrange! With a dual-bladed knife, she cut into my arm slowly. I screamed in agonizing pain. Please stop! Someone please help me! Make all of this stop!

After what felt like an entire day, she stopped. Her latest work was blood dripping from a single word: Liar. She stood up and walked towards the door, grinning over her shoulder. "Wormtail will bring you bandages and water. We must make you look somewhat presentable for company tonight." Then she slammed the door shut behind her.

My mind raced. I've been in the Malfoy Manor this entire time, and Draco is coming home today! Most likely, his aunt is going to use me as leverage to prove his loyalty to the Death Eaters. I have to warn him. But how?

The sky was dark with stormy clouds. Most likely a snow storm. I can't send a Patronus. I lifted the wool blanket and stroked my cat's gray fur. "Emrys, once the door is open, run away and find Draco. But stay out of sight, and don't get caught."

As the door knocked, Emrys scampered to the door and prepared himself. Wormtail opened the door and walked in with a tray of bandages with a water pitcher. The cat crawled through the opening and ran away. Be careful, Emrys. I prayed.

"For the prisoner." The stout man announced, holding the tray out to me. I took it from him, and a couple drops of blood dripped onto the floor.

"Thank you." I whispered, then he quickly left.

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