Lovers' Reunion

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Draco quietly unpacked on his own in his room. Drearily, he tried to keep his mind off of Serena. He's tried to contact her multiple times, but he never got a response. Reading the daily reports, he watched as the ever-growing list of missing people in the Daily Prophet never listed her name or Luna Lovegood's. They seem to be missing, and he's never received word from Mr. Lovegood, so why aren't they on the list?

Perhaps they all went on a trip to escape everything that's happening. He assured himself to be open to all possibilities. Turning around, he stopped at the trunk on the foot of his bed. A small gray cat with golden eyes stared at him from on the green blankets, then gave a quiet meow.

"Emrys?" he whispered. Surely he must be dreaming. It looks like him, but a bit thinner. "Is that really you?"

The cat jumped onto him and crawled onto his shoulder, nuzzling its soft head into Draco's cheek and purring. It is Emrys. "What are you doing here?" he asked, to which the little one responded by jumping down and running to the closed bedroom door, scratching it softly. "Where are you going?"

The young man followed the gray creature through the Manor's western wing, then up a spiraled staircase to a tower room. Emrys scratched at the door and meowed frantically. "Is she in here?" he asked, then banged on the door. "Serena? Serena, are you there?"

He pressed his ear against the wooden door, only to hear nothing but silence. Fearing the worst, he drew his wand. "Alohamora." He said to the lock, then swung the door open.

Standing inside was Serena. Though she was covered in bandages, bruises, cuts and scars, he thought she was as beautiful as ever. They stared at each other for a moment, then suddenly embraced each other tightly. "I found you," he whispered into her hair, stroking her wavy locks tenderly. It's really her. She's here! "I finally found you."

"Draco—" she pushed away from him slightly, but he pulled her back in and kissed her passionately. He planted kisses all over her face, until she held his still. Her lovely blue eyes filled with fear and relief. "My love, please. There's something you must know. Your aunt is suspicious of us, and she plans on using me against you tonight."

"What are you talking about? How could she know? And how did you get here?"

"I was kidnapped at the Lovegoods' house. They're holding Luna hostage someplace else, but I don't know if she's still here. Bellatrix has been torturing me in here since the beginning, demanding that I join the Death Eaters."

He held her arms gently, staring at the scarring cuts and words. "She's been doing this to you?"

Serena nodded. "Every day for nearly 4 months now. Because I refused to join the Death Eaters, and I lied about the relationship between you and me."

Draco shook his head and held her close. "You're so brave. But I can't believe this has happened. If only I'd known," he stroked her hair, his mind spinning as it processed everything. "How did she find out about us?"

"She found your last letter in my pocket, and recognized your handwriting." She looked up at him and gripped his shoulders, completely serious. "If you confirm her suspicions, she will use me to her advantage. She might even force you to do something to me in order to prove your loyalty. Whatever happens tonight, promise me that you won't do anything idiotic and put yourself in danger. Just say that you don't care about me at all."

"What about you? I can't stand that you've been in pain for months. Knowing my aunt, she's going to hurt you either way."

The girl shook her head. "Don't worry about me, my dragon." She kissed his cheek and hugged him. "You must go. Your family could be looking for you."

"Do you have your wand?"

"It's hidden."

"Keep it on you. I promise I'll set everything right." The young man gave her a final squeeze and stroked her cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too."

They kissed once more, then the young man left with his heart heavy. Leaving her in that room seemed even more difficult than it was saying goodbye to her in June.

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