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August 24

My song,

I wish this nightmare would end too. But try to look on the bright side. Example: school starts again in a week. I can't believe I managed to go through an entire summer without you. I can't wait to finally see you, hear you laugh, and kiss you again. Meet me at our usual place after our first day of classes. I love you.

Until next week, Dragon

I held Draco's last letter close to my chest. Just a little longer.

"Serena!" Luna called from downstairs. I folded the letter and slipped it into my skirt pocket.

"Coming!" I shouted back. Emrys jumped onto my shoulder and we went downstairs. After breakfast, we're going to King's Cross Station to go to Hogwarts. I'm so anxious to leave.

As I approached the kitchen, my little cat suddenly hissed and crawled under my hair, concealing himself between my shirt collar and Draco's scarf. Though it was still a bit warm for me to wear it, I always wore the scarf to comfort myself. "What's with you?"

Suddenly, I was grabbed from behind and roughly pushed into the kitchen. A wand tip pressed against my neck while my arms were held behind my back. "Don't try anything funny, and you might live," my captor sneered. I glanced around. Two dark figures with silver masks that resembled skulls stood in the kitchen. Death Eaters! One held Luna the same I was being held, the other pointed their wand in warning at Mr. Lovegood.

"Who's she?" Luna's captor asked.

"My friend." The blonde girl simply answered.

"What do we do with her?"

"Let's take her with us," the Death Eater closest to Mr. Lovegood decided. He must be the leader of the group. They're all men. "She may be of use."

Before anything else could happen, my captor Apparated us away. We were now in an exquisite living room, larger than the girls' dormitory at the Ravenclaw Tower. Everything was adorned with fine silver, emeralds, green satin, and black velvet. There was a loud crack near us, and we were joined by Luna and the other Death Eaters. A cackle split the air, and a woman stood before us.

Her wild black hair fell past her shoulders, and she wore a beautiful black dress with a sinister grin. I recognized her from the Wanted posters. Bellatrix Lestrange! She looked at Luna.

"Lock her up downstairs." She motioned at a trap door on the other side of the room.

Luna immediately began resisting. "I'm not leaving my friend."

I shook my head. "Don't worry. I'll be alright."

She struggled a little longer, but she was still taken downstairs while I got stared down by Bellatrix. "Why did you bring an extra?"

"She was at their house." The man who held me explained.

"Who are you, girl?"

I swallowed nervously. "S-Serena Chanson."

"Chanson?" She tapped her cheek thoughtfully. "Chanson. Where have I heard that name?" After a minute, her face lit up. "Ah, yes! He was supposed to join us, but didn't cooperate. Even when we threatened the lives of his wife and child, he said he'd rather die than stand with the Dark Lord. So, we had to kill him."

My blood boiled. "You killed my parents?"

The woman laughed. "No, not me. I was busy that day. But, it doesn't matter. At least we have you," she patted my cheek. Her long nails almost scratched me. "They said you were very intelligent. Maybe you'll be clever enough to do what your parents never did. Join us."

"After I pull out your hair and use it to strangle your master!" I snarled through gritted teeth.

She laughed again and clapped her hands. "She's got a fire! Excellent!" Suddenly, her expression turned to one of shock, as though she had remembered something. "Did you check to see if she had her wand?"

My captor pulled at my hair until I tilted my head back, his wand still pressed against my neck. "Where is it?"

In my boot. "I left it in my room, at the Lovegood's house."

"Check her pockets!" Bellatrix commanded. I felt my temperature rise as the man's hand frisked me. Thank goodness he isn't checking my hair or scarf. Emrys has not made a sound since he went into hiding. He can be quite a coward sometimes.

Suddenly, a piece of paper passed my eye and was handed to the witch. She unfolded it and scanned it. Oh no! It was still readable!

"Ooh, it's a little love letter," She leaned close to my face tauntingly. "Were you looking forward to seeing him? Well, I'm sorry to say that there's been a change of plans. You're not going to see your lover again. He's going to stand around, waiting for the girl who will never come. Just wait until he realizes that you don't love him."

I wanted to punch her, stab her, strangle her- something! But my arms were still held behind my back. The woman laughed and waved her hand towards a staircase behind her. "Take her to the tower!" she ordered, and I was shoved away.

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