Secret Section

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Malfoy stood in front of the large door with a black sign above it reading Restricted Section. It was 15 minutes before 4 o'clock. Why did he come early? He's just going to be waiting for that Ravenclaw girl anyway. And why did he ask for her help? Surely, there's a handful of smart Slytherins who could tutor him.

There's something about that girl. . . What is it?

"You're early," Serena's voice snapped him back to the library. She smiled kindly as she walked up to him. "I hope you don't mind Emrys joining us. He shouldn't cause any trouble."

Draco raised an eyebrow at her. "Who's Emrys? Your boyfriend?"

"I don't have a boyfriend," she pointed out. Then something moved by her head. A small gray cat crawled across her shoulders and nuzzled at her wavy hair. "Is it alright with you?"

Suddenly, the cat stared at the Slytherin. Its liquid golden eyes pierced into his soul, as though reading all of his dark, hidden secrets like an opened book. Malfoy tugged nervously on his left sleeve. "N-no, I don't mind."

Pushing through the heavy door, Serena led him into the Restricted Section. They passed several rows of bookcases, all full of dusty novels chained to the shelves, in silence for a moment. "Why did you name your cat 'Emrys'?" Draco asked curiously. "It's a strange name."

"There's an old tale among the muggles. Supposedly, when the only known wizards and witches were the Druids, they knew Merlin by his name from the ancient prophecies; Emrys. My mother used to tell me stories like that when I was little."

A mother telling her children muggle stories. That could only mean. . . Oh no. "Are your parents muggles?" If they are, I'd never be able to admit that I got help from a Mudblood.

"My father isn't. He was actually a student here."

A half-blood then. That's not too bad. It's not as good as a pureblood, but it's alright.

Several minutes later, Serena showed him a window-lit corner in the back of the Restricted Section. A simple table with several chairs sat, secluded and waiting. "How is this a secret place?" Malfoy inquired.

"Not a lot of people go this far back in here. Emrys sort of found it for me, made me follow him here a couple of years ago." She stretched her arm, allowing the cat to crawl down her arm and sit on the table, licking its paw casually. Quietly pulling out her textbooks and a notebook, she said, "Let's start with the basics, and work our way up."

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