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Sure enough, the Death Eaters attacked the school. Nobody was killed, save for Professor Dumbledore. The entire school mourned his death for the rest of the school year, and everyone left in sorrow. On the train ride home, I sat in a cabin on the Ravenclaw car with a couple of fellow classmates.

While they jabbered away, I stared out the window. The words from Draco's letter repeated themselves in my head. Draco. . . My Draco. . . Just as he said, he was taken away that night. I wondered about what had happened to him, and when I'd see him again.

Suddenly, Emrys jumped from my lap and scratched at the closed door. "Emrys, what is it?" I asked as I slid the door open.

He bolted down the hall. I ran after him, bumping into and passing others as he ran through the next two cars. Just when I was running out of breath, the cat turned and scampered through an open door.

"Emrys! What are you doing?" I turned into the cabin, then stopped just inside.

A young blonde man sat on one of the cushioned seats, and my cat was drinking from a bowl placed carefully on the wide windowsill. Draco smiled nervously. "I wasn't sure if you'd meet me if I had asked you to. So I thought I'd have Emrys lead you." He pointed at the bowl. "Cream with finely crushed oats. I remember it's his favorite."

I was torn. I wanted to stay and talk to him, but I also didn't want to be near him.

"Please send him back once he's done drinking." I pivoted around, but I couldn't leave. He grabbed my hand, firm but gentle.

"Serena, we need to talk." He pleaded.

"What is there to talk about?"

"I couldn't do it." He must have been referring to his mission regarding Professor Dumbledore. This is a sensitive topic. I closed the door and pulled down the shutter to block any view of inside the cabin from outside.

"What do you mean?" I demanded quietly.

"I couldn't kill Dumbledore." he whispered back.

"But he's dead."

"It was someone else. They recognized I was a coward and took care of it so that I wouldn't get in trouble."

"What happened to you after that night?"

"I was taken back home, but I convinced my parents that I needed to come back to see Professor Snape," He reached out and took my hands in his. An electric shock ran up my arms. "To be honest, I really wanted to see you."

I looked up and immediately regretted it. His silver eyes stared at me with such endearment. . . I pulled my hands away. "I should get back. My friends. . ."

Just as I touched the door handle, I was halted by three small words from Draco's mouth. "I love you."

My heart froze and melted in my chest. Turn around! But I can't. Do it! But. . .

I reluctantly, slowly turned to face him. "What?"

He stepped closer. "I love you." he repeated.

"You lied to me." I whispered.

"Only to protect you."

"Do you really think I need protecting?"

He smiled. My heart skipped at the sight of it. "No, but I didn't want to risk finding out otherwise."

Draco lifted his hand and touched my cheek lightly. I blushed when I realized how close we were. "You said it was dangerous for us to get close." I pointed out softly.

"You'll just have to trust me. I'll protect you."

"I thought you wanted to keep me away from danger."

"We're all in danger no matter what. Until the day the Dark Lord is destroyed, that is."

I sighed and shook my head. "I hope that day comes soon."

"Not soon enough," He tilted my chin up until I met his eyes. "My song. . ." he whispered just before he leaned in.

We embraced as our lips came together. His kiss was soft at first, then grew with passion. He tightened his arms around me until he practically held me off the ground. It was as though he didn't want to hold back anymore. I didn't want to either. But I had to pull away, just enough to stay in his arms. There were still some things to discuss.

"What do we do now?" I asked, trying to catch my breath. "We're going to have to keep our relationship a secret."

"I don't want to leave you, but I promise I'll write to you as often as I can." He wrapped his arms around my waist, his hands clasped at the small of my back. "Where are you staying?"

"Since I'm still underage, I'll be staying with Luna and her father. Until I turn 17, my parents' house will be under the care and protection of my neighbors."

"As long as I can reach you. I wish you could come with me."

"Your family wouldn't approve."

"Does it matter?"

I thought for a moment. It'd be nice to stay with Draco. To be able to see him whenever I wanted, know that he's there for me in an instant. I shook my head. Perhaps in a future time. "It may not matter to you, but it matters to me. I don't want your parents to resent you because of me."

"They won't resent us. Most likely, they'll just be surprised, and possibly disappointed. But I'm sure once they get to know you, they'd love you just as much as I do."

I sighed and held his face in my hands. "You can introduce me to them another time. Perhaps after all of this is over, my dragon."

He grinned and kissed the tip of my nose. "I love it when you call me that." I couldn't help but giggle. "But not as much as I love your laugh."

That comment only made me laugh even more.

***************************************************************** I'm honestly loving this so far! What do you think is going to happen next?

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