Final. . . Almost

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Everyone was gathered in the Hogwarts courtyard. On the side closest to the castle doors were the students and Order of the Phoenix, facing the Dark Lord and Death Eaters on the other side. Among the Death Eaters was Hagrid, carrying a limp, dark-haired boy in his great arms. Potter, Draco thought. If you're really dead, I'll kill you! You're the only one who can kill that monster and end this, so you better be alive!

Voldemort spoke to everyone, beckoning them to join him. Draco could see his parents eyeing him, wanting him to come over to them. After a few minutes, he reluctantly decided to go to them. But not before giving Serena's hand a firm squeeze. Their fingers lingered as he moved forward, not looking back once. He wanted to, but he couldn't let anyone notice their relationship. He must protect her by any means necessary. She understood perfectly. That's what I love about you, Serena. You're always so understanding, and caring.

He silently vowed to return to her as soon as he could.

***************************************************************** I know, I know, this chapter was super short. I've been really busy with things and didn't have all that much time today. But I promise, you'll fall in love with the epilogue once I publish it tomorrow. Feel free to vote, comment, or whatever. Thanks for reading!

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