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My head felt like a cracked stone. Opening my eyes had never been so difficult. Sunlight blinded me for a moment, then my vision slowly became less blurry. I was tucked in a bed, in the Hospital Wing. To my left, a blonde Ravenclaw girl was reading the latest edition of the Quibbler.

Luna looked up and smiled. "I'm glad you're finally awake."

My throat felt dry. "What. . . happened?" I asked hoarsely.

The girl helped me sit up and gave me a drink of water as she told me how I ended up here. "Neville knocked you out during class. You cracked a couple of ribs, one of your knee caps, and had an awful cut on your head. You've been unconscious for about a day and a half."

I slowly lifted a lead-heavy arm and touched my temple. No bandage, but I could feel a long, thin scar. I groaned as I laid back down on the pillows. "Emrys?"

"Malfoy's been taking care of him. He remembers that your cat likes chicken with sage from the Great Hall."

Hang on. . .

I raised my eyebrows. "Draco?"

She pointed at the other side of my bed. Though he was technically seated in a chair, a blonde young man had his head resting in his arms, next to my knees. One of his hands was holding mine, and his eyes moved ever so slightly beneath his closed eyelids. I pushed myself to a sitting position, then reached out and stroked his soft hair. He looks so peaceful.

"He's the one who brought you to the Hospital Wing," Luna explained quietly. "And he's been here ever since. He even spent the night by your side, waiting for you to wake up." She sat on the edge of the bed on my other side, smirking a little. "I don't mean to gloat, but I believe I did say, not too long ago, that he must have feelings for you."

I chuckled. "They say actions speak louder than words. But I would still like to hear him say that he likes me. It's the only way to get confirmation."

"That makes sense." My friend stood up and gathered her things. "I'm going to dinner. Get well soon, alright?"

I nodded, and watched her skip out of the Wing. My gaze fell to the Slytherin, still sound asleep. I shook his shoulder gently. "Draco." I whispered. He mumbled in his sleep, something I couldn't catch. "Draco." I said a little louder, still shaking his shoulder.

Finally, his eyes fluttered open. He rubbed them with his free hand and looked around. When his eyes met mine, the young man's face lit up. "You're awake. How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling better. Have you been here the whole time I was unconscious?" Though I knew the answer, I wanted to hear him say it himself. His face turned red, then he noticed he was still holding my hand and retracted it.

"Um, yes. I just wanted to. . ."

I don't mind seeing his embarrassed, vulnerable side. It was proof that not all Slytherins are like what others say. "Thank you," I reached up and squeezed his shoulder. "I really appreciate it. Now, what was it you wanted to talk about yesterday?"

He chewed his bottom lip thoughtfully. Silence stretched between us like a rubber band. He took my hand in his and drew small circles on the back of it with his thumb. Something electric ran from his touch, through my veins and to my heart. It raced like a bird's wings. At last, his mouth opened and he spoke softly. "I can't deny that everyone will think I've gone mad if they knew. But I have to admit, I've thought that I'd sooner go bald before I meet someone who can change the way I look at things."

"What are you saying?" He's not making any sense.

Draco looked up at me, his silver eyes filled with an emotion I've never seen in him before. He leaned in a little and pushed a lock of hair out of my face. "Serena, I think— no, I know for a fact that I am falling for you. I couldn't stop thinking about you. I was thrilled when the break came to an end, because it meant I was going to see you again."

I felt my cheeks burn and my heart stop. He said it. He's really in love with me? But. . .

"I— I thought you were with Pansy Parkinson. Everyone's spreading rumors that you two had a thing for each other."

He shook his head and stroked my cheek with his thumb. "That's just a rumor. The truth is, I actually hate her. She's completely awful. I don't know why everyone thinks we even like each other."

"Stop fooling around, Malfoy. Why are you really here?" Though I enjoyed his touch, I pushed his hand away. He stared at me for a moment, almost hurt.

"I'm here because I'm worried about you."

I'm so lost!

"But why me? I thought Slytherins weren't supposed to be interested in those of the other Houses." It was all very confusing. I couldn't make sense of any of it.

Draco twisted a strand of my hair around his finger, and smiled. "Does it really matter which Houses we're in? It didn't matter to you when you offered to tutor me." He leaned in even closer. Our faces are now several inches apart. "Besides, how could I not fall for you? You're smart, funny, and caring. You never let what others think affect you, and you're incredibly beautiful."

My pulse pounded in my ears, though I could have sworn my heart stopped completely just minutes ago. "If you really do have feelings for me, aren't you worried about what your friends would say when they find out?"

He shook his head, never breaking eye contact with me. "I don't care about a lot of things. But I do care about you." He stroked my cheek once more. I couldn't find the strength to remove his hand again. "I think my friends would most likely be shocked if they find out about us. But I'm more worried that they might come after you."

"Why would they come after me?"

"They view your psychologic techniques as a different kind of magic, so they'd think that you put a spell on me or something. Though I don't really care what everyone else would think about us, I don't want to see you get accused or hurt." the young man moved his hand to cup my chin and inched closer, glancing at my mouth.

I'm not sure if I'll ever stop blushing. "You can't seriously be concerned about me."

"Someone has to be. Preferably someone who really cares about you," Draco was just an inch away. I could feel his warm breath on my lips.

"Do you?" I whispered.

His answer didn't need words. The distance between us was finally closed. His warm lips kissed mine sweetly, and I kissed him back. He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer, while I ran my hand through his hair. My heart soared, flew around the entire castle while I stayed in the young man's arms. Though I had been kissed before, I never felt so exhilarating. His kiss seemed to touch my very soul. I didn't want it to end.

After what could have been days, months, even a year, he pulled away gently. I held his cheeks as he laid his forehead against mine, allowing our noses to just brush against each other. I smiled, and he grinned back. "Will we be keeping this a secret?" I asked softly.

"No one has to know about it. Not yet anyway." He chuckled.

I pulled back so that I could see his face when I said "Luna Lovegood knows," His eyes widened. "She says the nargles told her about our study sessions, and hinted that you liked me. I don't think we have to worry about her telling anyone. Nobody would believe her if she did."

He smiled, relieved. "Good," Draco leaned in again and kissed me tenderly. "Good." he repeated softly. I couldn't help but laugh for no apparent reason. I can't believe how amazing this is!

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