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Months passed. It was now early spring, and Draco had never been happier. Every day after classes, he'd spend the afternoon with Serena. Sometimes they'd study, or they'd laugh and joke the day away. And every Saturday, they'd do a variety of activities together, from riding broomsticks to skipping stones at the lake, all the while keeping their relationship a secret. He loved being with her, making her laugh and kissing her. Her lips tasted so sweet.

Even when he's having a difficult time trying to fulfill his mission, he'd be smiling by the evening because of Serena. She was the one person who could really make him happy. He wanted so badly tell her about everything he's been doing, just to make sure that there were no secrets between them, but he was afraid she'd resent him. Maybe I'll be able to tell her another time, he'd think to himself. She deserves the truth, but I don't want to mess this up.

Though he had seen her at the Great Hall during breakfast, Draco couldn't seem to find her in his classes. It was almost as though she vanished. At the end of Charms class, he whispered to Luna on his way out, "Have you seen Serena?"

"I think she might be in the library. If she isn't anywhere else, that's where she'd be." She whispered back, then winked knowingly. "Be good to her, alright."

He smiled a little. Even if Lovegood is loony, she's reliable.

While everyone went to lunch, Draco went into the Restricted Section. Emrys appeared to be waiting for him by the door. "Lead me to her," he whispered to the cat. The animal blinked, then began to scamper towards the back while the young man followed. Instead of being in their usual corner, the Ravenclaw girl was curled up in a nearby window seat. Her head was buried in her arms and her knees were drawn up to her chest. Thank goodness she isn't wearing a skirt.

Serena didn't look up until Emrys jumped up and crawled onto her lap. His heart broke at the sight of her reddened eyes and tear-streaked face. When she saw he was standing next to her, she quickly wiped at her face. He sat down next to her and stroked her hair in comfort. "What's wrong? You weren't in class."

She sniffed and stroked her cat's fur. She stared somberly out the window and shivered. He held her close and rubbed her arms. "You shouldn't be so close to the window without a sweater. It's still cool outside," he felt her shoulders tremble, though he wasn't sure if it was out of tears or a laugh. "Please tell me what's troubling you, my song."

Even if she was too upset to show it, Draco knew that Serena loved his nickname for her. Their pet names for each other were simply a play on their names. His meant "dragon", and hers meant "song". It made it all the more perfect when he first heard her sing. So beautiful.

Finally, she spoke softly. "My parents always wrote to me every week. Just to check up on me and keep me up to speed. When I didn't get a letter from them last week, I thought something might have happened. Then I received this," she held up a worn letter in her hand. "It's a letter from the Ministry, explaining that my parents. . . are gone. And the Ministry will have a legal representative come visit me in a couple of weeks to read me their will and settle things."

His heart completely stopped. Serena's parents are dead? But how? "Does it say what happened to them?"

She nodded, and her face turned red with anger. "They were murdered. By Voldemort and his bloody Death Eaters!"


"I don't know why or what they wanted my parents for, but they killed them in cold blood!" She crumpled the letter in her fist. "I hate this! I hate him, I hate them! I wish they were all dead!"

Draco's heart pounded nervously as he kissed her forehead. "Don't worry. I'm sure it will all be over one day."

Serena turned to him. "Thank you for being here for me."

"There's no place I'd rather be. I don't like seeing you unhappy like this, though." He moved her legs across his so that he was practically cradling her in his arms, and hugged her tightly. "Is there anything I can do?"

The girl closed her eyes and nuzzled into his shoulder. "Just stay with me, and hold me for now."

He played with the ends of her hair. "I'll always be beside you. I promise."

About twenty minutes later, she was asleep in the Slytherin's arms while he thought. If I tell her the truth, she may never want to see me again. But I don't want to lie to her. He considered his options over and over. Perhaps one secret will not destroy everything. After all, it might be best keep it from her for now.

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