Save Her!

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"Draco, do you remember a certain girl from last year?" Bellatrix asked her nephew in the parlor after dinner. The young man shrugged.

"I knew quite a few girls last year."

"How about Serena Chanson?"

"Yes, I remember her. She tutored me so that I could fulfill my mission last year."

"And what do you think about her?"

He knew he was basically being interrogated. She wanted to know if he cared about Serena. And whether or not her suspicions were confirmed, she was going to hurt Serena in the worst ways imaginable. Bellatrix might even have him help torture her. How can I get her out of this? How can I save her?

"I think she's very clever, annoying, and stubborn. I don't really like her." He answered, then sat back in an armchair with a book in his hand. Right after he opened it, his aunt spoke again.

"Oh, really? That's rather strange," she pulled out a piece of paper with a flourish. "Because I found a love letter in your handwriting."

Draco pretended to examine the letter and raised his eyebrows. "Someone must have the same handwriting as mine. And how can you tell if it's from me to Serena Chanson? It's addressed to 'Song' from 'Dragon'."

The woman aunt lifted his chin and smiled. Her long, pointed nails almost pierced his skin. "If you're going to continue playing innocent, then someone is going to get hurt."

"Who's going to get hurt?"

Bellatrix waved her wand and a door on the other side of the room opened. Serena stood in the doorway with Wormtail. The man resembling a rodent led her into the room, then scurried away. She glanced around, never showing any fear in her expression. Oh, she's so brave. She was wearing a worn, blood-stained blue sweater with a white collared shirt, pleated gray skirt, and black boots that reached her knees. Looking closely, Draco could see white bandages at her wrists and knees, just peaking from under her clothes. And there was a small, gray thing hidden in the black scarf wrapped around her neck. Where is she hiding her wand?

"What's she doing here?" the young man asked, hoping that he was convincingly confused by the girl's presence.

"Are you worried about your sweetheart?" the woman teased, pointing her wand at Serena's neck. The girl eyed him warningly.

He knew that look. She was reminding him to not do anything stupid. Hopefully, they can get out of this without another scratch.

"She's not my sweetheart. She's just an annoying classmate and tutor." Draco reassured his aunt. She shook her head and turned to his parents, who watched from near the fireplace.

"Your son appears to be lying. And you all know I don't like being lied to."

Suddenly, Serena flew up and stopped ten feet in the air. Then she began screaming in pain, her body shaking and twisting in pain. The Cruciatus curse! he realized. Jumping up, he stepped towards the woman. "What are you doing?"

"Teaching you both a lesson. I've been keeping her alive because I thought she might be useful. However, she might not be for much longer." She lowered her wand, and the girl stopped screaming, but she was still floating in the air. "Now tell me the truth. Do you care about this girl?"

Draco shrugged and shook his head. "Why would I care about her? Her father's a Gryffindor. Absolutely disgusting."

"Is that so?" Bellatrix looked up at the girl. "Then I guess she's of no use. That means I can play with her some more." She waved her wand again, and the girl slammed against the walls and ceiling, as though being thrown by an invisible force.

He closed his eyes tightly, trying to wake up from this nightmare. But Serena cried in pain with each blow, stabbing him in the heart repeatedly. "That's enough. Stop!"

"Draco. . ." his mother gasped worriedly.

"Don't." Serena whispered softly, her breath and voice shaking a little.

His aunt cackled. "It's a lot of fun. You should try it," She stopped the girl just above them and turned to her nephew. "Go on. Cast the Cruciatus curse on her."

The young man objected. "I-"

"Do it! Or she dies."

Bellatrix glared at him angrily. Draco has seen his father angry, and he's observed the Dark Lord's fury. Out those two men and Bellatrix's faces, he didn't know which one he was more afraid of. Growing up, he was always told to just do what he was asked, "or else Father will get in trouble". He didn't ask any questions, didn't do anything wrong, and was always obedient. But for the first time in his life, he wanted nothing more than to disappear and start over somewhere else. Be someone else, live a life that didn't require "no questions asked", and to actually be happy.

Raising his wand, Draco pointed it at Serena, who looked down at him, surprisingly calm. She trusts me, even if protecting her means I have to hurt her. But that wasn't his plan. Instead, he quickly pointed his wand at Bellatrix and stunned her. As the woman crumpled to the ground, Serena dropped from the air. The young man lunged and caught her in his arms.

"I'm sorry, Serena." He whispered as his knees buckled and knelt on the floor. Holding her close, he pushed her hair out of her face. "I'm so sorry."

"You idiot," she whispered hoarsely. "You promised you wouldn't-"

"I know. You can yell at me later. For now, let's get you out of here."

"Draco! What is the meaning of this?" His father snapped suddenly, walking over to the pair with a furious fire in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, but I couldn't let Aunt Bellatrix continue hurting her," The young man stood up, still holding the girl in his arms, like a damsel being carried away in the arms of her hero. "Serena and I have been seeing each other since last spring. We were writing all through summer, before she was kidnapped. She knows everything- about how I'm a Death Eater and what my mission was last year- but she doesn't care. She's the most incredible girl I've ever met, and she makes me want to be a better man."

His parents stared in surprise and disbelief, their mouths open in shock. Draco wasn't done explaining everything. "I don't need your blessing, consent, or anything. I love her, and I don't want to be a part of this anymore."

"Draco, you listen to me!" the man stepped towards him, but his wife held him back.

"Dear, don't. Let's talk about this." She nodded at her son as she led her husband out of the parlor. What is she up to? Though he didn't know, the young man was glad that he could trust his mother to get him out of the room.

"Do you think you can stand?" he asked the girl in his arms. She nodded, and he carefully lowered her legs. "Get out your wand. Let's go to your house."

"No, you can't come."

***************************************************************** I'm totally not sorry for the cliffhanger! Don't worry, I'll post the next chapter as soon as I can. Feel free to comment how you think this story is going to end. Thanks for reading! :)

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