Home, and Hogwarts

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Months have passed. I missed Draco dearly, but we continued to send letters to each other as often as we could risk. We promised to not send each other gifts for the holidays or Valentine's Day, but to save them for when we can exchange them in person. Apparating at night only, I snuck into the Lovegoods' home to retrieve my belongings. I had no knowledge of Luna's whereabouts, and I didn't want to worry Mr. Lovegood if she hadn't come back home yet.

After living at home alone for a couple of months, I decided to go back to Hogwarts. It may not be the same as when I left, but neither am I. I'm stronger, and I want to help the others in any way I can. I was a part of Dumbledore's Army just a of couple years ago, after all.

I packed a bag with spare clothes and few necessities, ensured the protection spells were on my house, then Apparated one Saturday afternoon to Hogsmeade. Not a lot of people wandered its streets now, but Cho Chang saw me and ran to my side.

"Serena! What are you doing here? Where have you been? Are you alright?"

I quickly covered her mouth with my hand and pulled her out of the street. There were some adults I didn't recognize, but none of them looked like they wanted to be here. I could only assume they were new professors, hired to reinforce the school. Can't let them see me. Can't take any chances.

Once we were alone, I answered Cho's questions. "I was kidnapped right before school started, but I escaped. I was living in my house for the past couple of months, but I thought I should come here to make sure things were okay. I couldn't abandoned Dumbledore's Army in this state."

"Well, things have definitely changed. The staff is now has Death Eaters and Dementors included. There's no way you can just sneak into classes as a student."

"But you can get me into the Room of Requirement."

So, I've been living in the Dumbledore's Army headquarters. More like a sanctuary now, where students would seek refuge from cruel teachers, such as the Carrows. Brother and sister, enjoyers of pain and torture, and the school's new, very strict, enforcers of discipline. Most of the DA, along with some students who desired to, would stay in the Room of Requirement rather than their own dormitories.

I enjoyed staying with my friends, but we were still hiding and waiting in fear. Supposedly, we're to be ready to defend Hogwarts when the time comes. Finally, one night, Neville came to us with Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger. And almost like their presence set off a trigger, Professor Snape and several other Death Eaters retreated, and the school was under attack.

Along with the Order of the Phoenix and the rest of the DA, I fought for what seemed like forever. By the end of the night, the battling ceased, by order of Voldemort. For a heartless bastard, he was considerate enough to allow us to collect our deceased loved ones. I wasn't close to very many people, but I helped with what I could in the Great Hall.

At one point, I was so distraught by the death and sadness that surrounded me, I left. I thought about how like some people in there, I was also alone. My parents were gone, I had no relatives, and probably hundreds of miles away was the one person who loves me. I leaned my back against the wall, and tried to calm my breathing. Why did all of this happen? Why did it have to come to this? Couldn't this have been stopped a long time ago, somehow?

I heard a soft meow, and looked down at my feet. A small, gray cat nuzzled my ankle, and looked up at me with golden eyes. "Emrys?"

The cat meowed in response, and ran down the hall. I followed it around the corner, then came to a stop. Smiling, Draco pulled me into his arms. "I missed you so much. I've been so worried." He whispered into my ear, holding me close. "Are you alright?"

"A little scratched up, but I'm fine. What about you?"

"Just a couple of burns." He tightened his embrace. "I wanted to see you before anything else happens."

I pulled away and looked up at him. "What's going to happen? Please tell me that no one else will die tonight."

"I cannot say if there will be more deaths, but I do know that the Dark Lord is wanting to kill Potter before the end of the night. But knowing that special 'Chosen One', he's probably got something up his sleeve. Hopefully, Voldemort will be the one to die tonight." He pushed some hair behind my ear and held my cheek. "However, whatever happens, my parents are probably going to take me away again, to protect me. But I promise I'll write to you, arrange a day, and you can be properly introduced to my parents."

I sighed, tightening my arms around his neck. "At least I get to spend a fewwonderful minutes with you until then." The young man chuckled, then his lipsmet with mine.

***************************************************************** Almost done! About 2 more chapters! I'm so pumped!!!

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