Study Sessions

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Weeks passed. Draco would meet me in the almost abandoned corner of the Restricted Section nearly every day at 4 o'clock. Exceptions included Quidditch practice and games, weekends, and health issues if brought to each other's attention beforehand. He was getting better at casting charms and spells, but he still came to meet me.

I wondered why he kept coming. Surely, he must have better things to do than spend a couple of hours studying and practicing magic with me. Of course, sometimes we'd get side-tracked and talk about Quidditch, what we like and dislike, eventually end up telling jokes and laughing at funny stories. It was fun to be around him. The Draco Malfoy I saw when it was just the two of us was very different from the young man everyone else knew and talked about.

Over time, I noticed that he was bullying other students a lot less. He'd even give me a small smile occasionally during our study sessions. Though I've come to know his mischievous smirk and wicked grin, something about this smile seemed. . . kind, and genuine.

"Why are you smiling at me?" I finally asked near the end of a session.

"I don't know," he answered simply. Putting his books in his bag, he stole a glance at me and smiled again. "Thank you for taking the time to help me. I appreciate it."

"Is that the first time you've thanked someone?"

"No, but I'll admit that it's been a while." Draco was still smiling. It was definitely strange, but I was starting to like his smile too much to say so.

I shook my head. "Anyway, before we go to the Great Hall for dinner," I pointed to a book on the table. "Open that to page 168 and identify the spell it describes."

He obediently turned to the page and began to read it. I shrugged on my bag and prepared myself, waiting patiently.

"It seems to be. . . some kind of—"

Suddenly, the leather-bound book began to tremble, then shook violently on the tabletop. Malfoy stared at it, confused and nervous. A split second later, the book began yelling, as though a man was being tortured inside the yellowed pages. The Slytherin yelped as he jumped up and slammed the noisy book shut, pressing his weight down his arms to keep it closed. I snickered, then laughed as I stood up. He stared at me, confused mixing into the shock in his face.

When I finally caught my breath, I grinned at him mischievously. "That wasn't even a textbook, but you still opened it without question. I can't believe you fell for it!"

"Wait, you mean. . ." His eyebrows knit themselves together.

"Happy Halloween!" I extended my arms out and gave a victorious bow.

"You little trickster!" Draco lunged, but I jumped back.

"You can't catch me!" I taunted, turning and running away. Weaving around the bookcases, I ran with him close behind me. I laughed as he got frustrated every time I slipped out of his reach.

After a couple of minutes, I couldn't hear Malfoy's footsteps bounding behind me. Looking over my shoulder, I saw no one chasing me. Where did—?

Suddenly, I slammed into something solid. Before I could fall back from it, a pair of strong arms caught me and held me steady. "I caught you." Draco smirked, victory lighting up his face.

"It looks like you did. Well done."

There was a pause, silence stretching between us. I could hear nothing but my heart pounding in my ears as I stared into his eyes, realizing how close we were. The silvery orbs seemed to soften, almost unnaturally, as they glanced at my lips. My cheeks began to burn, then I pushed myself out of his arms and turned away.

"W-we should get going." I suggested, glancing back in time to see the young man turn red and run a hand through his hair.

"Right. Of course."

"I'll see you later."

Before anything else could happen, I left the Restricted Section with a hand pressed to my neck. My pulse is racing and my skin is hot. Am I getting a fever? Maybe I'm catching a cold.

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