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Draco looked at me, almost horrified. "Why can't I come with you? I'm leaving all of this."

"You need to stay with your family. If you leave, the Death Eaters will see you as a traitor, and as punishment could kill you parents, or worse." I held his hands in mine, fighting to hold back tears. "As much as it pains me to leave you when we've just found each other again, you must stay while I go home."

"But I can't leave you again."

"You have to. It's for the best," I pulled my wand from my boot. "Please, let me go."

He sighed, knowing he couldn't change my mind. He touched my scarf lightly. "You kept it." his said softly.

I nodded. "It gave me comfort when we were apart." He reached behind my neck and carefully pulled Emrys out of the black wool.

"I'll take care of him."

My eyes widened. "W-why do you want to take him?"

"Think of it as a guarantee that we will see each other again." Draco allowed the cat to crawl onto his shoulder and gave me a small smile. "Be safe. I'll come whenever you tell me to."

I smiled back. "You'll be the first to know if something was happening." I wrapped my arms around his neck, staring into his silver eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too." He held me close and leaned in. I could feel the love in his kiss. He truly cared about me, and he was scared that something might happen to me again. I kissed him back, hoping he'd understand that I felt the same way. This wasn't a goodbye kiss. It was a promise of return, trust, and hope.

Finally, we pulled apart. He held my face and stared into my eyes for a long minute, then slowly took a step back. I gazed at him, feeling my heart break when I took in the sadness and longing in his eyes. I closed mine, and cleared my thoughts. Be safe, Draco. Then I Apparated away.

I didn't open my eyes until I felt a chill nipping at me. It was dark, but I knew I was in my family's living room. I turned on the lights, and took in my surroundings. Simple patterned rugs, a large couch with two matching armchairs, and a coffee table surrounded a polished stone fireplace. Family portraits and pictures of our ancestors decorated the walls, along with a couple of bookcases, and a writing desk in the corner.

Before lighting a fire in the fireplace, I placed a few protective charms around the house. Now from the outside, the house will continue to look uninhabited, and I'll be safe. Hopefully.

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