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I was only half disappointed when winter break ended. Though I loved visiting my parents, Hogwarts was a second home to me. In class, I was one of the few students who were able to re-adapt to the school life instantly. Although, there were two things I wasn't expecting.

The first was a note. It was slipped under Emrys' collar during breakfast in the Great Hall. Without me noticing, he had slipped away, wandered around, and then suddenly jumped into my lap. I unfolded the piece of paper once I left into the corridor, so nobody could look over my shoulder.

I couldn't stop thinking about you. We need to talk. Meet me at our usual place, at our usual time. —D

For some reason, I couldn't keep from smiling for the next hour. I wanted to turn the clocks forward, but at the same time never let it be 4 o'clock. What does he want to talk about? Knowing him, it could be anything!

The second event I was unprepared for was being called on in Defense Against the Dark Arts, to battle on the dueling platform. Professor Snape had me and Neville Longbottom stand on either end of the platform, facing each other with wands at the ready.

"We're practicing silent casting. Miss Chanson, try to disarm Mr. Longbottom while he deflects it," he instructed. I obeyed immediately. Though he was visibly trembling, Neville blocked it. "Excellent. Now, Mr. Longbottom, try to throw a curse while Miss Chanson blocks it."

The Gryffindor was still shaking nervously. I was nervous too, but I'm good at hiding it. Suddenly, lightning shot out of his wand. I deflected the first bolt, but another one came from nowhere. I was sent flying, and my back slammed against something hard, knocking the wind out me. Then I landed on my stomach, the stone floor meeting my chest and knees. My head felt heavy, and everything went black.

*************************************************************************************** I'm only a little "sorry" about the cliffhanger, and the shortness of this part. Things have been a bit busy. I promise to try and make it up to you, loyal readers, by starting on the next part. Will probably post it by late tonight. Thank you for reading. :)

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