Chapter 4: That Bastard!

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"Levi! Open up!" Erwin calls with a huff as he stands outside of Levi's apartment. He crosses his arms, pissed. The man's absence has only proved difficult at the office. Shit went down last night, and their best man didn't even return to the office to report his findings,  nor did his partner.

"If you don't open up, I'm coming in there!" Erwin yells again, banging on the door. It remains closed. He rolls his eyes with a groan and kicks it open.


"GAH! E-ERWIN DON'T COME IN MY ROOM!" Levi flushes embarrassed and looks away trying to cover himself with his legs.

"Levi? What are you talking abou-" Erwin's voice cuts off as he stares into Levi's bedroom wide eyed.

"... Are you waiting for your girlfriend or something Levi?" Erwin questions slowly, his face heating up as he just...stares at Levi's exposed state.

"AH! No! Damn it get me a blanket or something ERWIN!" Levi screams glowing red and kicking his legs about. "NOW!"

"Ahem! Yes uh- right away!" Erwin shouts flustered.  He quickly disappears and comes back, flicking a blanket over the man's junk.  He then takes out his hand cuff keys and undoes Levi's restraints. "Gees, what the hell happened to you?!" Erwin demands.

Levi sits up and rubs his wrists with his shaking fingers. "I-i..." Levi doesn't know what to say. "I was swindled!" Levi hugs the blanket around himself. "By that Rat!"

"A rat? Levi, that's not giving me much." Erwin says with a sigh. "How did you end up in this position?"

"Eren Grisha Jaeger... is a perverted murderer!" is all Levi says staring at his own nipple feeling sick. Suddenly he jumps to his feet still holding the blanket around him and runs to the toilet. He gags and hurls into it.

"Levi?! Are you okay?" Erwin panics, immediately coming to his side. "Eren Grisha Jaeger? Was he the killer of that man? Levi, I need more details!... after you're finished being sick of course."

Levi stays hurling until he is finished. He collapses on the floor and looks at Erwin. "... can I have some water please?" He asks in a shakey monotone.

Erwin sighs and exits, coming back with his water for Levi. He waits patiently for Levi to finish the liquid and when he does, he helps his wrapped up ass up and helps him go take a seat at the table. "Were you raped, Levi?"

"I'm not sure I... I don't think so... my ass doesn't hurt and I... I would have woken up right?... unless I was drugged..." Levi considers this possibility for a moment before shaking his head. "I tried to put away a murderer yesterday, Erwin and he... had an accomplise. They knocked me out and escaped. I woke up naked with a note beside me... there's a... hicky on my chest too." Levi furrows his eyebrows. "I feel so violated... so disgustingly weak. You can read the note if you wish. Burn it too. I don't want to see it." Levi looks away and rests his head on the table.

"Levi that's terrible..." Erwin gasps. "Oh my god! Levi! My poor son!" Erwin weeps and embraces his 'son' who shoves him away. "Levi this is horrible.... we'll catch him. We will."

Levi shakes his head. He doesn't want help.  If that shitty little teenager aims to make a fool out of Levi, then he wants this kid for himself. He will be the one to bring him down. He will show no mercy.

"Don't pity me, Erwin." Levi snaps and stands on shakey legs. "I'll get dressed and then I'll head bavk to the office."

"You're not going to work. Not today. You have a day off." Erwin says.

"But i-"

"No buts. I'll put together some info on him. No one will advance in the case. But you have to rest." Erwin snaps in a dead serious tone.

"... fine" Levi snaps back and goes to make himself tea.

"There's a good boy." Erwin smiles happily. He pats Levi on the head before disappearing out the door.


The next day Levi walks into work. As he wanders through the office, Co workers mutter amongst themselves. Staring at Levi. Most of them wearing tinged blushes.

"S-Sir!" A young girl officer named Petra stammers as he approaches her. She seems nervous and very flustered.

"Yes?" Levi blinks. "What is it?"

"T-take a look at um... y-your office... sir..." she stutters looking down. Her eyes focus on something in particular before she turns away blushing deeper.

"Oh.." levi walks to his office and stares at the door. He takes a breath into his lungs and turns the knob of the door and gasps in shock. A dark blush spreading across his cheeks.

A poster, of Levi. Naked. Chained. Just like that night. Spread all the way across his noteboard, showing all of him. No wonder the girls have been awfully flustered this morning. In the corner of the poster is the initials, E.G.J. Levi knows exactly who it's from.

"BASTARD!" Levi runs to the bored and tears it down. He screws it up and stuffs it into his paper bin. Levi huffs in annoyance and embarassment and gets onto his computer only to see that his background has been changed to more nudity. Though this time it has an image of Eren licking Levis nipple.
His tonuge bent over it and Levi's face sleeping soundly while Eren holds the camera. Winking at the screen.

"AHH!" Levi's whole body tingles uncomfortably. He has hacked his computer. He broke into his office.
Levi growls and almost damn near punches his own computer square in the face. His whole body is tense and there's so much goosebumps on his skin as he becomes sick with disgust.
He needs to find the Eren Jaeger. And arrest him, then make sure his crimes are paid for with his life.

Levi's door slams open.

"Levi!" A young trainee officer gasps. "Murder! Downtown! Need your help! Hurry!"

"Right." Levi slams his computer Shut and grabs his coat. He won't let this brat effect him. He has a job to do and damn it he will do it regardless of Eren's tricks!
He dashes from the door and makes himself shown at the crime scene.

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