Chapter 25: Plan

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"Did you see it?" Levi asks another prisoner.

"No. Just heared him yelling out Cake's name and gagin'" he says.

"Thanks" Levi pushes him out.

"No wittness... one of her sisters got her out maybe" Levi frowns. Levi looks at Eren. "Thomas could have been completely innocent."

"I have reason to believe that too." Eren says stroking his chin. "Ugh. I'm sick of this." He ruffles up his own hair before he stops and freezes. His lips suddenly curling into a smile.

"What's wrong? Why are you smiling? Are you going to snap and kill someone?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Levi!" Eren laughs. "Although, I need to find Cake and tell her I'll complete the job for her."

"Excuse me no you will not!-"

"Yes I will." Eren interupts. "Look. She's killing because of me. Because I turned the offer down. So, if I could somehow tell her I accept, it may be a way to draw them out."

"Don't you do her bidding for her" Levi frowns. "Don't go back... what if you see blood and get cravings or someth-" Eren grabs Levi's wrists to calm him down.

"Hey. Look at me," Eren says in a gentle voice with a soft smile. "We have seen dead people after dead people on this case. Have I killed anyway since being arrested?"

"Well no but-"

"I know I went crazy with Cake, but did I kill her?"

"No..." Levi stares at Eren. "You're right... I should trust you."

"Yes you should." Eren smiles and kisses Levi's forehead.

He frowns up at Eren then pulls his hands free from him. He turns around and punches Eren playfully in the arm... except Levi punches hard.

"Stop kissing me" he smirks and walks off someplace As if that would actually stop him.

Eren only grins and skips off after Levi. He will make Levi proud. He's going to get Cake and he will arrest all of them. Every one, and lock them away for good.


"Wha...? You will?" Cake says on the other end of the line. "Right... well then. I knew you'd crawl to me. Fine. Meet me at the park. In the lake gardens under the bridge" she says. "If you are followed. Kill them. Or i will do it for you" she explains.

Levi furrows his eyebrows. He's coming with Eren... obviously.

Eren sighs and drops the phone on the end button and slams his head on the desk. He rubs his eyes before looking at Levi.
"Well that's it. Stay here."

"I'm coming with you!" Levi stands up. "This is my case too!"

"She'll kill you if she sees you. "

"She will not! I won't let her! Even if there's three of them. I'm not letting you go alone."

"Aww you care about me!" Eren teases with a cheeky grin.

"Don't be stupid" Levi scowls. "But I am coming along. We're partners arent we?"

Eren snakes his arms around Levi's waist and pulls him in close, hugging him. The playful smirk on his face.
"I'll be fine. I can handle myself. You are very small and fragile and special to me. If she kills you, I would lose you and I wouldn't be able to live with myself."

"Eren" Levi pushes his chest. "Let me go."

"OOOOHHHH~~~~" Hange pokes her head around the corner. "What's going on here~?"

"We're just having a discussion!" Levi shoves Eren but he only hugs Levi tightly with a bright grin to which Levi scowls angrily. "grr..."

"EEEKKK!!!" Hange grins with rainbows in her eyes "I-"



"Me too!" Eren agrees, Snuggling his head into Levi's shoulder before giving him a sweet kiss in the same spot.
"We're talking about How Levi is going to stay here while I go on a top secret mission!"

"Eren don't kiss me! " Levi growls. "And I'm going too!"

"No. You're not," Eren argues.

"Uuuh. Yeah I am!" Levi pipes up. "You're're not my mother!"

"But he is your boyfriend-"


She only giggles madly.

Eren sighs, sitting down in Levi's chair before pulling the shorter male onto his lap. He faces him as if he we're about to give his son 'the talk'.

"Levi," Eren starts firmly. "You said before that you trust me. Let me do this. No, there is no let. I am doing this on my own. Okay? You're not coming with me. Not entirely."

Levi frowns angrily and gets off his lap hating being patronized. "I'm not listening to you talk anymore. I'm coming."

"Tch, Levi you'll be able to hear everything that goes on." Eren assures. When he gets a questioning look from Levi, Eren glances to Hange.

"Show him, Zoe."

"ALLRIGHT! " Hange stretches her arms and cracks her knuckles. She digs through her pocket before digging out a small pin. A pin shaped as a four leaf clover. Silver outlining with emerald green filling that shines when held towards the light.

"Ugh. No. How am I meant to arrest people through a microphon?"

Hange picks Levi up and laughs hugging him tightly.
"You're such a cranky Egg!" She laughs and Eren pushes her off Levi and hugs the man instead. Getting slightly jealous even of Hange.

"Easy tiger..." Hange raises her arms to calm the growling puppy. Eren huffs and nuzzles Levi's shoulder in affection earning the older males disapproval.
"Levi please? Trust me!" Eren pleads.

"No! Eren stop cuddling me already!"

"Levi if you want Eren to be part of the team you need to be able to have a little faith in him" Hange sighs.

"You're all brats!" Levi pushes against Eren and stomps his foot managing to escape his grasp then sits down in his chair. "Eren could get himself hurt" Levi says while Eren whines in pain after his foot has been stomped.

"We could find a location close enough for you to rush to his rescue?" Hange suggest, then suddenly she jolts and gasps with a happy clap. "AND LEVI CAN BE EREN'S KNIGHT IN SHINING TIN FOIL! YASS!"

"You annoy me. Who says I even have slight romantic interest in Eren anyway?" Levi scowls directly at Hange. "How do you know I don't like James the coffee guy?"

"Levi you don't drink coffee" Hange sighs.

"Tch. I might do. For James" he frowns.

James walks past and waves a hand at the trio looking two different directions. "Hello. I am James" he says and walks into another room.

"See? Sexy right?"

Hange rolls her eyes.

"He looks like a double deckered pig fart," Eren scowls James' way. He gets elbowed in the stomach for his behaviour. Eren immediately stops, focusing more on his stomach.
"Look, let's just stop with the feelings for moment," Eren gasps. Suddenly he turns serious. This has to be a first. Eren could go on about his feelings forever.

"We have to catch Cake. And this is how we are doing it. I will meet her with my lucky pin tucked into my shirt. Levi will be taken to a location with some high tech stuff that Hange can hook him up with and he will listen. If I'm in trouble, then Levi will be in close enough distance to rush to me and save my life. Okay?"

"YEP!" Hange nods

"Yeah whatever" Levi grumbles.

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