Chapter 29: Everything is Butterflies and Rainbows

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"I'm about to show you, Stupid" Levi rolls his eyes and walks out of the room. Eren follows him. It's dark outside now and Levi grabs a lighter. He walks outside and lights up some flame fuled garden torches. They are in a line along a concrete path next to Levi's neatly mowed grass.

They walk along the path to a small green house where Levi opens a green tarp flap. Him and Eren walk through the slit and it seals magnetically back up. He then unlocks the door to the green house and steps in. The greenhouse has dim lights amongst it. Not open flame but dim blue lights in small plants. Inside are butterflys. Tons and tons of butterflys, sitting on flowers and fluttering around the wide space of the dim green house.

"Whoa..." Eren says. His eyes are wide in appreciation, wandering around and soaking in all the rainbow colours that float in the small complex. "When did you- Jesus!"

"I needed a hobbie. They calm me" Levi blinks as a butterfly lands on Eren's head.
The space is quite calm. Levi yawns and watches them on the flowers.
"I had an empty green house in my backyard. I began to collect their chrysalis'. I like them" he says as one lands on the chair beside him.

"Strange hobby. But beautiful nonetheless. Like you!" Eren giggles.

"Hmm..." Levi looks at Eren. "What were you expecting me to show you? A BDSM dungeon or something? You look so shocked" Levi notes. "Not too manly for butterflys, am I?"

Eren ignores Levi as a few other butterflies land on Eren's head. And various other parts of his body. They just stick to him.

Levi snorts a little. "They'll take your skin if you're not careful" Levi smirks. "They like to feast on human flesh. Don't you pretties?" Levi watches one on a flower then looks back at Eren.

The boy looks scared beyond belief. He takes a small step making the butterflies jump. Eren flinches.
"L-Levi... please... don't let them eat me!" Eren whimpers as even more tend to land ontop of him.

"They won't eat you" Levi chuckles slightly and walks over to Eren. Putting his fingers under their legs and moving them to various flowers. However they keep fluttering onto Eren causing Levi to snort. "Do you have fruit or honey on you?" He rolls his eyes. "Maybe they like the smell of you or something. Don't know why. You smell" Levi sticks out his tongue in playful disgust.

"ARGH!" Eren screams and jumps about causing the many butterflies to errupt into the air like a volcano's explosion.
Eren darts out of the green house screaming like a small child.

Levi blinks and stares at the door Eren exited out. He shrugs then. Exits after him. Walking out into the night. "What's wrong?" He asks. "I was kidding about them eating you-"

"IT BIT ME!" Eren cries. He's literally crying over feeling something pointy poke at his skin. The boy is in literal tears over something as silly as this.

"Eren... Eren butterflies don't... bite" he walks over and sees that Eren has a splinter from a roses thorn in his skin. He picks it easily out and shows him before flicking it away. "You're a big woose."

"Am not!" Eren sniffs wiping away his tears that were spilt for no reason. "I thought I was going to die..."

"I was only messing with you" he explains. "Does baby want a bandaid?" He mocks him. "Wittle Ewen needs a bandaid for his boo boo awh? Come, Bubba mummy wil fix you up" Levi mocks him while dragging him inside.

"Shut up!" Eren scowls ripping his arm from Levi and crossing it over his chest. "I'm fine... I don't need a bandaid." Eren assures looking down in embarrassment. He goes to say something but he is interrupted by the first signal of tiredness. A long long yawn. The kid is ready for bed.

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