Chapter 37: Look Good, Feel Good

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"KNOCK KNOCK!" Eren yells banging on Levi's front door. He has wasted no time in coming to see his dear sweet sweet Levi. Eren's cheeks glow brightly and he's as happy as a colossal titan kicking down a wall.

He didn't even text Levi. Well he did. But that was after he was already at his front door. Then he started knocking. Levi groans when he hears the irritating sound of the brat at the door so he walks to the door and opens it. Dressed in his black dressing gown with a tired frown on his face. "What, brat?"

Eren instantly latches onto Levi.
"I came to see you! You said tomorrow and today is tommorow!" Eren smiles as he hugs Levi. "Lets do something together again! Today! A-... Levi are you wearing anything under that?"

"No!" Levi snaps. "Eugh. Eren I don't want to go out today. I burnt myself yesterday. You can come in but I'm not going anywhere" Levi yawns.

"Oh okay! Want to watch movies and cuddle?" Eren asks with a huge grin, following Levi into his house.

"Alright. Are we going to hang out every day for this week?" Levi asks and Eren nods his head with a big smile. "I'll fix us some tea" Levi yawns and sits Eren down petting his head. "Choose a movie" he says exiting the room. Eren blinks his eyes then starts looking through the movies.

Levi stands alone in the kitchen. He boils the kettle and pours some water into a cup. That's when he gets a text again. He pulls out his phone and checks it

Just remember I like my tea like I like my Levi. Dark, bitter and boiling hot

Levi snorts at the text messege then continues making the tea when he gets another one. 

Levi come back i miss you :(

Levi shakes his head at Eren's stupidity. There is litterally a door between them.

He walks into the lounge room holding two cups of tea and sits beside Eren.
He places the cups on the coffee table before he pecks Eren's cheek.

"How do you feel about watching Batman?" Eren asks holding the dvd in front of him with a serious, deadly serious expression on.

"I don't mind the movie we watch..." Levi furrows his brows at Eren being so serious.

Eren nods his head and slips in the dvd before laying on the couch and pulling Levi down with him so he can snuggle his beautifulness. "I've never watched a movie with someone before," Eren admits as he nuzzles into Levi's neck.

"I'm honoured to be the first" Levi blinks and holds Erens hand "look i was thinking... we've been dating for a little while and I think after this week is up I'll be ready for a relationship... you just have to remember to not be grabby at work... I don't want them to know right now..."

"Are you ashamed of me?" Eren immediately assumes.

"I wouldn't say that... will that be a problem? Keeping us a secret for a little while? Because I'd like to date you... just don't want to tell people about it..."

Eren frowns. He never liked the idea of secret relationships. Secret relationships usually leads to problems and complications and Eren knows that once Levi and Eren start dating, Eren will want to shout it out loud.
"I don't know." Eren says blankly.

"That's okay... I'm sorry if I'm leading you on or whatever... I just don't want to be smothered at work. Even now, okay? But if you don't want a secret relationship then I guess I can wait" Levi says fiddling with the rim of his tea cup.

"I understand at work. I know I need to tone it down at work. I can do that. But why must it be a secret?" Eren asks. "If not because you're ashamed of me then what?"

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