Chapter 12: Eren? Again?

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Levi stares at Eren through careful eyes.

"Kenny Ackerman..." Eren pauses. His eyes slightly narrow before he nods.
"Yes. I knew him well."

"You did? He um. How much did you know about him?" Levi asks curiously.

"Who's kenny?" Erwin questions and Levi glances to Erwin briefly. 

"He was my uncle. An amazing officer. " Levi says and looks to Eren. "He was also a murderous fiend."

"He taught me a few things." Eren sighs. "I met him after my mother and father were killed. He told me that they were criminals and that I shouldn't get too down on it. He also told me about you, Levi."

"Oh? And what did he say about me?" Levi looks down. His uncle used to tell him that he was weak and a brat.
Levi always assumed that his uncle kenny hated him. As a result Levi would work extra hard to impress him.

"He had high praise for you," Eren says, his lips twitching upwards into a small smile. "He used to keep going on and on about how proud you made him. Especially when you finally became a detective much like him. You were his pride and joy," Eren hums.

"..." Levi is speechless. He looks at Eren in the eyes then bites his lip. "I always assumed he hated me."

Eren shakes his head."No. Levi, Kenny loved you like a son."

"Oh... I haven't seen him since he went to prison." Levi rubs his own arm. "Thanks." he says directing his gaze from the floor to Eren's face.

Eren nods slowly before leaning back in his chair and jingling his handcuffed hand. "Are we done?"

"Yeah we're done." Levi takes off his glasses and puts them away. He then shuffles his papers neatly and puts them away in a folder. He stands up and walks to the door.

Erwin stands as well and uncuffs Eren from the bench. The boy is then shoved out into the halls and thrown back into a cell.

"Sit tight, Jaeger. You'll be here a looooooong long time."


The next week goes by fairly slow. Eren starts to speak more to the guys in other cages and they yell at eachother. Often an officer will tell them to shut up. Levi usually pretends not to see Eren in his cell. As if he's not even expecting him to be in the place where he is locked up.
It hurts Eren to be ignored and often he sighs and sits in the corner picking at his nails.

Today however is very different. Eren is asleep. The sound of people yelling and whistling is what he wakes to.

"SHUT UP YOU FILTHY MEN!" Levis voice snaps.

"Looking good, Sexy!" Someone yells making Levi scoff. Eren sits up and rubs his eyes. All the prisoners sit in a cage with Jean who smirks at Levi.  "He has got a pretty sweet body." Jean smirks. "I should know."

"You don't know shit!" Levi snaps as Jean waves around the naked photos of Levi that Eren took. Printed out and spread around the cell.

Eren only glances before yawning and sitting up. He wanders to the bars and holds them as he watches the criminals all hoot at Levi's passing. "Jean, you need to get a mouthful of shit to shut you up," Eren says tiredly.

Levi glares directly at Eren. "You gave him naked pictures of me, you asshole!" Levi snaps and looks at the prisoners. "Alright enough all of you!"

"Tch, I did nothing. He found those himself," Eren mutters walking back away to hide in his dark corner.

"Come 'ere sexy!" One prisoner shouts as he reaches his hand out. Levi is close enough, and he goes for a butt squeeze.

Levi blushes bright red and grabs his arm pulling him forcefully against the bars.  "Don't. Touch me." he growls angrily and lets go of the man. "Fuck you, Jean!" He yells. "And you, Eren. Fuck you both." Levi takes one of the pictures from the ground and looks at it. He looks visibly sick. All the memories of violation flash in his mind. He covers his mouth then frowns and screws it up throwing it in the paper shredder basket.

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