Chapter 35: Partners In Crime

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"So i told her to stick it. There is no way i would pose for a naked calender!" Levi says as they enter the house making Eren laugh.

"I would totally buy it though," Eren says, pausing his laughter to look thoughtful.

"I'll make one for your birthday" Levi jokes.

"REALLY?! C-...Couldn't I just have the real thing?" Eren asks raising a suggestive eyebrow along with a sly smirk.

Levi frowns a little "uhh... depends on whether or not I'm your boyfriend by then. Also depends on whether or not i want to" Levi crosses his arms with his own little smirk.

Eren only sighs and flops onto his couch. "True true... Well, I only want what you want. So when you feel ready. For anything whether it's sex or to be my boyfriend, let me know. And it will happen." Eren nods in finality.

"Soo? What did you want to give me?" Levi asks in curiosity. Sitting beside Eren and laying his head on him. He's become quite cuddly with the boy. Levi wasn't like that with Erwin. Their relationship was quite sexual. Any cuddling was usually half naked or also involved nipple play or hickies. Cuddling Eren makes Levi feel better about Eren being the notorious villan he used to be though. It makes him feel like he's got some reassurance of Eren's sanity. It also makes him feel like he's there for the boy.

Eren grins and kisses his hand. "Close your eyes." Eren says. When he is assured that Levi's eyes are closed, he leans over the couch to the bag and sifts through it before he pulls out what he wishes to give him. He then shifts in his spot before he places something around Levi's neck. A pendant.

"Okay! Open your eyes." Eren says excitedly.

Levi's eyes flutter open to observe the gift. It's a small personalised pendant, a small crystal shaped into the wings of freedom. Made from different stones, with Levi written on it in obsidian. Eren had organised it a long time ago. Only now has he had the opportunity to give it to him.
"So? Do you like it?"

Levi holds it in his hand and watches his own name in it.

"It's beautiful..." Levi looks at Eren "you shouldn't get me expensive things, Eren" he says before kissing him. "Thank you."

Eren smiles. "You are welcome." He hums before standing up. "Lets go to bed now, hmm?" He says holding out his hand. Levi takes it and the two head to Eren's room where the two climb in and get comfortable. Of course, Eren's arms end up snaking around Levi's waist and he pulls him in close.

Levi sticks his bum out into Eren and hugs the arms that hold him close. He also puts one of his legs inbetween Eren's legs and hugs his legs with his own legs. Eren hasn't cuddled Levi like this before. Usually the man sleeps in his arms and that's it. This time however. Levi is putting his butt and legs all over him.

It's new because Eren hasn't been cuddled like this by anyone. He feels... really happy by this. He smiles as he hugs onto Levi, making sure that the man he holds knows how much that has made Eren happy. He kisses Levi goodnight on the head before trying to get some rest.


The morning. Peaceful. Eren and Levi sleeping well. Until Levi's phone goes off.

He groans and shoves Eren's arm a little to move it. Groggily he lifts his head carrying tired eyes and answers the phone "mm? What is it?" He says as Eren pulls him back down into his hold.

The boy blinks wearily up at Levi as he answers.

"Hiya Levi!" Hange grins. "Zackley would like you and Eren to come in to discuss what is to become of Eren. Yknow. Since he was only let out to help you on the Cake case and all..."

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