Chapter 33: Confrontation

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Levi blushes slightlt before pushing quickly forward and connecting his lips with Eren's, bright red. Sparks fly through his lips this time. Why does it feel so good to kiss his lips? Levi breaks the kiss with a breath before he's straight back on Eren again. As if hungry. A side Eren hasn't seen.

A side that makes Eren giddy. Eren wraps his arms around Levi's torso, pulling him in closer and continuing to kiss those irresistible lips of Levi's. Levi feels the same about Eren's. Levi can't seem to understand, but he just wants more. He wants more of Eren. He wants to kiss him more, he wants to cuddle him. So he hugs Eren back still using his lips to deliver affection.

Levi's head tilts slightly to the side and his teeth graze Eren's before his tongue takes over and slips into Eren's mouth. Levi knows what he's doing here. He knows how to french kiss and he owns it.

Eren widens his eyes and gasps into their french tongue.

'Levi is actually kissing me? He's making out with me! His tongue... he knows what he's doing... fuck he's so hot...' Eren lightly hums into Levi as his tongue goes off to dance with Levi's. Eren falls back, pulling Levi on top of him, not breaking their kisses.

"Mnnn~" Levi moans slightly and furrows his eyebrows grabbing a fistfull of Eren's hair. For a virgin, Levi Ackerman kisses like a two dollar whore.

Eren can't belive this. This 2 dollar wore feels like a million bucks for the boy underneath Levi. His kisses are amazing and Eren can't help but slide a hand up Levi's back before going back down to cup the ravenette's bum.

Levi gives off a little squeak at the move then snorts into the kiss, breaks it by laughing into Eren's neck. Bright red and... laughing.

Eren lays still blinking and soaking up the heart warming sound. "Levi?" Eren asks bringing his hand back up and rubbing Levi's back soothingly. "Are you... Do you... Can you stay over tonight? At mine?"

Levi stops his laughing quite quickly and just sits up looking at Eren. Levi blinks "um... um... I'm not sure..." he rubs his arm "maybe... okay... yeah alright" he nods finally then backs out of the room "let me just... get my stuff-" he barely finishes his sentence before he's out of the room.

"Is he uncomfortable with that or actually wanting to...?" Eren asks himself,  unable to tell with Levi's emotions. He didn't seem nervous. Indecisive for a little bit. Nonetheless, Levi will he staying at his house so Eren must make sure to be a good host for his guest.

Levi creeps quietly back into the room holding an over night back and wearing a different change of clothes.
"I'm ready" he speaks nervously "to stay the night at someone else's house... ready"

Eren tilts his head, standing up and making his way over to the nervous man. He holds onto his shoulders, sliding his hands down to rub at Levi's arms.
"I'll make you feel welcome. Okay?" He says gently and kisses Levi's forehead before holding onto his hand. "to your car!" Eren declares, pulling Levi away with him to go to his house.


The whole drive home is quiet with Levi chewing nervously on his lip. He's going home with Eren. He's basically his boyfriend now. They're getting in, right? That's what this is?

When the car stops Levi walks into the house with Eren and Eren shows him to a spare room. He is trying to make him feel comfortable afterall.

"Heh? Don't you want to sleep with me?" Levi asks him.

"Well of course. I always want to sleep with you." Eren chuckles hugging onto Levi. "But this is your first time sleeping over at my house. I want you to feel comfortable. I don't want to push things onto you or make you feel nervous. Especially since I know you're already nervous enough as it is."

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